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bibliography = {References},
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% textcomp package and marvosym package for additional characters
% cite package, to clean up citations in the main text. Do not remove.
% Use nameref to cite supporting information files (see Supporting Information section for more info)
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% Text layout
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% Bold the 'Figure #' in the caption and separate it from the title/caption with a period
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% Use the PLoS provided BiBTeX style
% Remove brackets from numbering in List of References
% Header and Footer with logo
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% Title must be 250 characters or less.
\textbf\newline{Design and fabrication of carbon fiber lattices based on a looping techniques} % Please use "sentence case" for title and headings (capitalize only the first word in a title (or heading), the first word in a subtitle (or subheading), and any proper nouns).
% Insert author names, affiliations and corresponding author email (do not include titles, positions, or degrees).
Hayley McClintock\textsuperscript{1*},
Zechen Xiong\textsuperscript{1},
Yibo Peng\textsuperscript{1},
David McIntosh\textsuperscript{1},
Yusong Deng\textsuperscript{1},
Hod Lipson\textsuperscript{1},
\textbf{1} Columbia University, Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science, New York, NY, 10027, USA
% Insert additional author notes using the symbols described below. Insert symbol callouts after author names as necessary.
% Remove or comment out the author notes below if they aren't used.
% Primary Equal Contribution Note
% Additional Equal Contribution Note
% Also use this double-dagger symbol for special authorship notes, such as senior authorship.
% Use the asterisk to denote corresponding authorship and provide email address in note below.
* [email protected]