安装了 Fedora 21 并发现它工作得非常好(除非你想要 dropbox、某些东西的硬件加速、不错的视频驱动程序和编解码器等),我最近转向报告错误报告者发现的任何错误。我的问题是,当我第一次尝试使用 ABRT 报告错误时,它会在输出框中显示以下内容:
--- Running report_uReport ---
('report_uReport' completed successfully)
--- Running analyze_CCpp ---
Ok to upload core dump? (It may contain sensitive data). If your answer is 'No', a stack trace will be generated locally. (It may download a huge amount of data). 'YES'
Querying server settings
An error occurred while connecting to 'retrace.fedoraproject.org'
Failed to complete SSL handshake: NSS error -5938.
Do you want to generate a stack trace locally? (It may download a huge amount of data but reporting can't continue without stack trace).
然后我也确认是的,因此它下载了相关的 debuginfo 包并继续愉快地生成跟踪并报告任何错误。但这是服务器的 SSL 握手问题、ABRT、配置错误还是其他问题,我如何确定这一点?
服务器最近禁用了 SSLv3,而客户端需要 TLSv2: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=994599
服务器现在支持所有 TLS 版本。