\Block[l]{5-1}{Representational Art (2nd grade)}
& \Block[l]{1-4}{Art that represents material objects \\ as they appear in concrete perception}
& Figurative Art \\
& \Block[l]{3-1}{Abstract Art (in proper sense)}
& \Block[l]{2-1}{Art that evokes isolated elements from its original object and considers them separately}
& perceptive affective intellectual
& \Block[l]{3-1}{Abstract Art (in proper sense)}
& \Block[l]{5-1}{Non-figurative Art incorrectly called abstract} \\
& & & & & \\
& & & & & \\
& & & & & \\
Non-represen\-tational Art
& \Block[l]{1-4}{Art whose works have an intrinsic organization and\\ do not overlay other organizations of sensations \\ intended to represent something}
& & & & \\
对于细粒度控制,你也可以切换到 Ti钾Z 绘制括号:
\usepackage{nicematrix, tikz}
\usetikzlibrary{decorations.pathreplacing, calligraphy}
decoration={calligraphic brace}
decoration={calligraphic brace, mirror},
\Block[l]{5-1}{Representational Art (2nd grade)}
& \Block[l]{1-4}{Art that represents material objects \\ as they appear in concrete perception}
& Figurative Art \\
& \Block[l]{3-1}{Abstract Art (in proper sense)}
& \Block[l]{2-1}{Art that evokes isolated elements from its original object and considers them separately}
& perceptive affective intellectual
& \Block[l]{3-1}{Abstract Art (in proper sense)}
& \Block[l]{5-1}{Non-figurative Art incorrectly called abstract} \\
& & & & & \\
& & & & & \\
& & & & & \\
Non-represen\-tational Art
& \Block[l]{1-4}{Art whose works have an intrinsic organization and\\ do not overlay other organizations of sensations \\ intended to represent something}
& & & & \\
\draw[ecarb] ([yshift=-2pt]1 -| 2) -- ([yshift=2pt]6 -| 2);
\draw[ecarb] ([yshift=-2pt]6 -| 2) -- ([yshift=2pt]7 -| 2);