我怎样才能在 tikz 中绘制这幅图

我怎样才能在 tikz 中绘制这幅图



%drawing shapes 
\draw [fill=white] (1.5,0.3) rectangle (10,1.0);
\draw [thick] (6,1.5)-- (7,2)--(6.6,2)--(6.6,3.5)--(5.4,3.5)--(5.4,2)--(5,2)--(6,1.5);
\draw [fill=white] (5.4,3.56) rectangle (6.6,3.66);
\draw [fill=white] (5.4,3.7) rectangle (6.6,3.75);
\draw [thick] (1.8,3.9) to [out=180,in=270] (1.5,4.1)--(1.5,5.1) to [out=90,in=180] (1.8,5.3);
\draw [thick] (9.8,3.9) -- (10.5,3.9) --(10.5,5.3) -- (9.8,5.3);



我可能会使用nicematrix包来创建上部矩阵,然后使用 Ti 添加其余部分Z(请注意,您可能需要在上面和下面添加一些间距,因为边界框可能有点偏离;

\usepackage{nicematrix, tikz}

\begin{NiceArray}{ l *{16}{c} }
    &  1 &  2 &  3 &  4 &  5 &  6 &  7 &  8 &  9 & 10 & 11 & 12 & 13 & 14 & 15 & 16 \\
    &  0 &  1 &  1 &  0 &  1 &  0 &  0 &  1 &  1 &  0 &  0 &  1 &  0 &  1 &  1 &  0 \\[2cm]
    \OverBrace[shorten, yshift=5pt]{1-2}{1-9}{\textbf{First vehicle}}
    \OverBrace[shorten, yshift=5pt]{1-10}{1-17}{\textbf{Second vehicle}}
        \coordinate (anchor) at ([shift={(-0.6,-0.35)}]$(2-9)!0.5!(2-10)$);
        \draw (anchor) rectangle ++(1.2,-0.05);
        \draw ([shift={(0,-0.125)}]anchor) rectangle ++(1.2,-0.1);
        \draw ([shift={(0,-0.3)}]anchor) -| ++(1.2,-0.5) 
            -- ++(0.5,0) -- ++(-1.1,-0.75) coordinate (tip)
            -- ++(-1.1,0.75) -- ++(0.5,0) -- cycle;
        \node[draw] at ([shift={(0,-0.5)}]tip) {
            (1,2), (2,1), (3,1), (4,2), (5,1), (6,2), (7,2), (8,1)


或者你可以纯粹用 Ti 创建它Z 并使用\matrix

\usetikzlibrary{calc, matrix, decorations.pathreplacing, calligraphy}

    \matrix[matrix of nodes, every node/.style={anchor=base, minimum width={1.5em}}] (m) {
        |[text width={6em}, align=left]| \textbf{Dimension:} 
            &  1 &  2 &  3 &  4 &  5 &  6 &  7 &  8 
            &  9 & 10 & 11 & 12 & 13 & 14 & 15 & 16 \\
        |[text width={6em}, align=left]|\textbf{Position:} 
            &  0 &  1 &  1 &  0 &  1 &  0 &  0 &  1 
            &  1 &  0 &  0 &  1 &  0 &  1 &  1 &  0 \\

    \draw[decorate, decoration={calligraphic curved parenthesis, mirror}] 
        (m-1-2.north west) -- (m-2-2.south west);
    \draw (m-1-17.north east) -- ++(1.5pt,0) |- 
        (m-2-17.south east -| m-1-17.north east);
    \draw[decorate, decoration={calligraphic brace}] 
        ([xshift=2pt]m-1-2.north west) -- ([xshift=-2pt]m-1-9.north east)
        node[midway, above=2pt] {\textbf{First vehicle}};
    \draw[decorate, decoration={calligraphic brace}] 
        ([xshift=2pt]m-1-10.north west) -- ([xshift=-2pt]m-1-17.north east)
        node[midway, above=2pt] {\textbf{Secoond vehicle}};

    \coordinate (anchor) at ([yshift=-2pt]$(m-2-8.south)!0.5!(m-2-9.south)$);
    \draw (anchor) rectangle ++(1.2,-0.05);
    \draw ([shift={(0,-0.125)}]anchor) rectangle ++(1.2,-0.1);
    \draw ([shift={(0,-0.3)}]anchor) -| ++(1.2,-0.5) 
        -- ++(0.5,0) -- ++(-1.1,-0.75) coordinate (tip)
        -- ++(-1.1,0.75) -- ++(0.5,0) -- cycle;
    \node[draw] at ([shift={(0,-0.5)}]tip) {
        (1,2), (2,1), (3,1), (4,2), (5,1), (6,2), (7,2), (8,1)

