样式文件可以在这里下载:clv3.cls 链接(来自计算语言学)。它是该页面列表中的第一个文件。以下是工作环境:
% if your latex compiler failed to compile, uncomment the command below:
%% the fllowing is the suggested change by David
% save the kernel \document and \enddocument
% restore the original below \docucumentclass{clv3}
% add to the standard hooks
% \process@queries\clearpage
%\ifquery\clearpage\else\ifodd\c@page\clearpage\thispagestyle{empty}\null\clearpage\else\clearpage\fi\fi }
% alias numdef to cnumdef
\let\numdef\relax \let\endnumdef\relax
%% above is the suggested change by David
% the following two lines are added by the author to show Chinese characters
% nicer emptyset
\definecolor{darkblue}{rgb}{0, 0, 0.5}
\hypersetup{colorlinks=true,citecolor=darkblue, linkcolor=darkblue, urlcolor=darkblue}
\caption{Magnitude orders of English and Chinese \textit{numunit}s.}
in digit & $10^1$ & $10^2$ & $10^3$ & $10^4$ & $10^6$ & $10^8$ & $10^9$ & $10^{1^2}$ & $10^{1^5}$\\
Chinese & 十 &百 &千 &万 &$\emptyset$ & 亿 & $\emptyset$ & $\emptyset$ & $\emptyset$\\
English & $\emptyset$ & hundred & thousand& $\emptyset$ & million & $\emptyset$ & billion & trillion & quadrillion\\
Overfull \hbox (3.10524pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 324--324