Tabularray - 调整 longtblr 行中的文本大小而不调整标题文本的大小

Tabularray - 调整 longtblr 行中的文本大小而不调整标题文本的大小

我需要在文档中插入一个 2 列长的表格,并在第二列的每个单元格中输入大量文本。但最终结果是表格占据了文档的 6 页。






\documentclass[12pt, a4paper, twoside, english]{article}

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

caption = {Caption of the table.},
label = {tab:label},
row & some relatively long description so that the other entries can showboat their floatiness
row & some relatively long description so that the other entries can showboat their floatiness
row & some relatively long description so that the other entries can showboat their floatiness
row & some relatively long description so that the other entries can showboat their floatiness
row & some relatively long description so that the other entries can showboat their floatiness
row & some relatively long description so that the other entries can showboat their floatiness
row & some relatively long description so that the other entries can showboat their floatiness
row & some relatively long description so that the other entries can showboat their floatiness
row & some relatively long description so that the other entries can showboat their floatiness
row & some relatively long description so that the other entries can showboat their floatiness
row & some relatively long description so that the other entries can showboat their floatiness
row & some relatively long description so that the other entries can showboat their floatiness
row & some relatively long description so that the other entries can showboat their floatiness
row & some relatively long description so that the other entries can showboat their floatiness
row & some relatively long description so that the other entries can showboat their floatiness

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.



  • 给定链接中问题的答案正是您在问题标题中要求的。
  • 如果您遇到问题,不清楚表格解决方案如何使用,请阅读tabularray包或在这里询问,您在哪部分代码(大概是表格序言中的设置)遇到了问题。
  • 表格的背景和目的尚不清楚,但任何类型的表格通常都包含列标题,在长表格的情况下,列标题会在表格所跨越的每一页上重复出现。
  • 从印刷的角度考虑,建议整个表格采用相同的字体大小(建议表格仍然可读,字体不要小于\footnoteseize)。
  • 如果使用给定链接中提出的解决方案的表格不能充分减少表格大小,您仍然有两个选项可以将其稍微挤压一点:
    • 减少rowsep,例如通过设置rowsep = 1ptrowsep = 0.5pt
    • 减少\baselineskip单元格文本,例如使用cells = {font=\footnotesize\linespread{0.84}\selectfont}
  • 看看以下解决方案(我认为它更“专业”)是否可以接受:
\documentclass[12pt, a4paper, twoside, english]{article}

\usepackage{microtype}              % added for better spacing of text



The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

caption = {Caption of the table.},
label = {tab:label},
                ]{colspec = {Q[c] X[j]},
                  cells   = {font=\footnotesize\linespread{0.84}\selectfont},
                  rowsep  = 1pt,
                  rowhead = 1
item    &   Description \\
row & \lipsum[66]   \\
row & some relatively long description so that the other entries can showboat their floatiness\\
row & \lipsum[1]   \\
row & \lipsum[2]   \\
row & \lipsum[3]   \\
row & \lipsum[4]   \\
row & \lipsum[5]   \\
row & \lipsum[7]   \\
row & \lipsum[66]  \\
row & \lipsum[66]  \\
row & \lipsum[66]  \\

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.




\SetCell{font=\tiny} % or any other font size

题外话:在任何类型的表中,行都应相应终止。 在您的例子中,您应该在每行末尾添加\\


在 MWE 中,每行末尾都有一个小错误,这会使文档的编译看起来有点不对劲。对于tabularray,所有行都必须以 结尾\\,因此这样。

row & some relatively long description so that the other entries can showboat their floatiness


row & some relatively long description so that the other entries can showboat their floatiness \\

现在,我假设您的实际文档中并非如此。要强制列使用特定的列宽,您只需wd在使用Q列宏时添加规范,因此,在此示例中,第 18 行应如下所示:

  colspec = {Q[c,m]|Q[l,m,wd=10cm]}

colspec命令只是告诉包这应该只会影响列设置,这样写很好,因为稍后您可能需要编辑该字段中不会影响列的其他内容。 “ ”选项强制该列的单元格使用该值作为最大文本框宽度,因此请随意更改它!此外,正如您所问的,您可以使用选项通过宏wd控制列字体大小,如下所示:Qfont



