使用 apacite 时,引用标注和出版年份放在方括号中

使用 apacite 时,引用标注和出版年份放在方括号中

RAE 是确保西班牙语稳定性的机构。他们有规范规定在括号内引用时,所引用项目的出版年份必须放在方括号中,例如:

此引文(根据 Knuth[1986])


这是我的 MWE,它不能按需要工作。




    author = {Knuth, Donald E.},
    year = 1986,
    title = {The {\TeX{ book},

% \cite using square brackets:

This citation (according to \cite{Knu86}).
% It should print:
% This citation (according to Knuth(1986)).

This citation (according to \citesb{Knu86}).
% It should print:
% This citation (according to Knuth[1986]).

This citation (according to \cite{Knu86}).
% It should print:
% This citation (according to Knuth(1986)).

% It should print
% Knuth, D. E. (1986). The TEX book, .

下面是我当前 MWE 行为的图片:



我觉得有点奇怪,你必须\!\!使用您的答案取消一些不需要的空间。 确实, 的定义中有一个不受保护的空间\setcitestyle





  author = {Knuth, Donald E.},
  year   = 1986,
  title  = {The {\TeX}book},

This citation (according to \citep{Knu86}).

This citation (according to \citepb{Knu86}).

This citation (according to \citet{Knu86}).

This citation (according to \citetb{Knu86}).

This citation (according to \citep[section 10]{Knu86}).

This citation (according to \citepb[section 10]{Knu86}).

This citation (according to \citet[section 10]{Knu86}).

This citation (according to \citetb[section 10]{Knu86}).


此引文(根据 (Knuth, 1986))。此引文(根据 [Knuth, 1986])。此引文(根据 Knuth (1986))。此引文(根据 Knuth [1986])。此引文(根据 (Knuth, 1986, 第 10 节))。此引文(根据 [Knuth, 1986, 第 10 节])。此引文(根据 Knuth (1986, 第 10 节))。此引文(根据 Knuth [1986, 第 10 节])。

请注意,我没有定义,\citeb因为natbib建议仅使用\citet\citep并避免\cite。例如,参见\citet 与 \cite 使用 natbibcite 和 citep 对 acmart 包做同样的事情


\usepackage[backend=biber, style=apa]{biblatex}

This citation \mkbibparens{according to \parencite{sigfridsson}}.

This citation \mkbibparens{according to \parencite{sigfridsson}}.

This citation \mkbibparens{according to \textcite{sigfridsson}}.

This citation \mkbibparens{according to \textcite{sigfridsson}}.

This citation \mkbibparens{according to \parencite[section 10]{sigfridsson}}.

This citation \mkbibparens{according to \parencite[section 10]{sigfridsson}}.

This citation \mkbibparens{according to \textcite[section 10]{sigfridsson}}.

This citation \mkbibparens{according to \textcite[section 10]{sigfridsson}}.


该引文(根据 [Sigfridsson & Ryde, 1998])。该引文(根据 [Sigfridsson & Ryde, 1998])。该引文(根据 Sigfridsson and Ryde [1998])。该引文(根据 Sigfridsson and Ryde [1998])。该引文(根据 [Sigfridsson & Ryde, 1998, 第 10 节])。该引文(根据 [Sigfridsson & Ryde, 1998, 第 10 节])。该引文(根据 Sigfridsson and Ryde [1998, 第 10 节])。该引文(根据 Sigfridsson and Ryde [1998, 第 10 节])。






    author = {Knuth, Donald E.},
    year = 1986,
    title = {The {\TeX{ book},


This citation (according to \citeb{Knu86}).

This citation (according to \citep{Knu86}).

This citation (according to \citepb{Knu86}).

This citation (according to \citet{Knu86}).

This citation (according to \citetb{Knu86}).

This citation (according to \citeb[section 10]{Knu86}).

This citation (according to \citep[section 10]{Knu86}).

This citation (according to \citepb[section 10]{Knu86}).

This citation (according to \citet[section 10]{Knu86}).

This citation (according to \citetb[section 10]{Knu86}).


