如何在 itemize 环境中对齐图标?

如何在 itemize 环境中对齐图标?


svg 文件https://svgur.com/s/vr6


    \begin{itemize}[label={\includesvg{text editor_icon.svg}}]
    \item \textit{Real-time Environment}: 

To encourage the collaborative aspect of prototyping activity we 
designed a real-time workflow, where the collaborators individually 
yet simultaneously participate in the story design. 
All different panels and features in DataStoryDesign are in 
real-time. Real-time systems remove the burden regarding physical 
distance requirements for certain activities. 
However, we don't evaluate this aspect since the focus of 
this study is on the applicability of the design language. 
Therefore we are more interested in knowing the effect of 
the design language on the prototyping and storyboarding process.




\usepackage{graphicx} % Required for inserting images


  label={\smash{\raisebox{-0.3\height}{{\includesvg{text editor_icon.svg}}}}}}

  \item \textit{Real-time Environment}: To encourage the collaborative aspect of prototyping and storyboarding activity we designed a real-time workflow, where the collaborators individually yet simultaneously participate in the story design. All different panels and features in DataStoryDesign are in real-time. Real-time systems remove the burden regarding physical distance requirements for certain activities. However, we don't evaluate this aspect since the focus of this study is on the applicability of the design language. Therefore we are more interested in knowing the effect of the design language on the prototyping and storyboarding process.

