我想用 cleveref 构建一个研究问题模板

我想用 cleveref 构建一个研究问题模板


  • 自动编号,使用 cleveref 使它们可引用
  • 在不同部分中至少两次拼写出完整的 RQ(不增加其计数器或建立新标签)


  • cleveref 不尊重我的定义,总是将“RQ”大写(在最底部的句子中)。我可以让 cleveref 处理同\Question一种subQuestion类型的计数器吗,或者让它尊重大写字母?
  • 第一次定义 RQ 时,我必须手动传递一个虚拟参数。有没有更好的方法?LaTeX 可以注意到命令的第一次调用吗?
  • 每个问题/子问题的定义都很长且很笨拙。您能想到更优雅的方法吗?





    \noindent\textit{\textbf{RQ\labelorref:} #2\\}

    \noindent\textit{\textbf{RQ\labelorref:} #2\\}

\def\qtext{How to make \textbackslash cleveref respect my capitalization rules?}

\def\qtext{Is there a way to not pass a dummy argument for first time invocation?}

\def\qtext{Is there a way to make the definitions more elegant?}

Here, I introduce and give more details to the following research questions (RQ):\\

Here I come back to my research questions, and answer them:\\
I can't for now.\\

As we have seen: \Cref{rq:one,rq:one:one,rq:one:two} are not solved by me, yet.




可以使用 来修复大写字母\usepackage[capitalize]{cleveref}。这会使 RQ 和子 RQ 处于不同的引用类型中,但对我来说这似乎没问题。






\def\labelorref{\iflabelexists{#1}{\refstepcounter{rqcounter}\setcounter{subrqcounter}{0}\arabic{rqcounter}\label{#1}\expandafter\xdef\csname myr@#1\endcsname{}}{\ref{#1}}}
  \noindent\textit{\textbf{RQ\labelorref:} #2\\}%

\def\labelorref{\iflabelexists{#1}{\refstepcounter{subrqcounter}\arabic{rqcounter}.\arabic{subrqcounter}\label{#1}\expandafter\xdef\csname myr@#1\endcsname{}}{\ref{#1}}}
  \noindent\textit{\textbf{RQ\labelorref:} #2\\}%

\newcommand\rqone{\Question{rq:one}{How to make cleveref respect my capitalization rules?}}

\newcommand\rqoneone{\subQuestion{rq:one:one}{Is there a way to not pass a dummy argument for first time invocation?}}

\newcommand\rqonetwo{\subQuestion{rq:one:two}{Is there a way to make the definitions more elegant?}}

Here, I introduce and give more details to the following research questions (RQ):\\

Here I come back to my research questions, and answer them:\\
I can't for now.\\

As we have seen: \Cref{rq:one,rq:one:one,rq:one:two} are not solved by me, yet.

