包裹描述如下LaTeX Cookbook 网站。但我同时需要多个水平流程图。
附言:我需要在幻灯片和文章中使用它。此外,语言不仅限于英语。我将使用国际字母表来表示梵语转写 [IAST]、天城文、泰米尔语和卡纳达语。
mynode/.style={draw, rounded corners, text width=1cm, minimum width=1cm, minimum height=1cm, align=center},
desc/.style={mynode, text width=10cm, minimum width=10cm, bottom color=blue!20, top color=white},
body/.style={mynode, bottom color=orange!50, top color=white},
num/.style={mynode, bottom color=cyan!50, top color=white}
\node [desc] (lotus feet desc) {Introduction \& at least Sarga, Visarga \& Poshana};
\node [body, left=of lotus feet desc] (lotus feet) {Lotus Feet};
\node [num, left=of lotus feet] (lotus feet num) {1 \& 2};
\node [desc, below=of lotus feet desc] (thighs desc) {Sarga, Visarga- Creation by Lord, subsequent creation by Brahma, Manus. Pastime of Lord Varaha};
\node [body, left=of thighs desc] (thighs) {Thighs};
\node [num, left=of thighs] (thighs num) {3 \& 4};
\node [desc, below=of thighs desc] (head desc) {Nirodha- Four kinds of universal annihilation, liberation of Parikshit, activities of Markandeya};
\node [body, left=of head desc] (head) {Head};
\node [num, left=of head] (head num) {12};
\node [mynode, at=($(lotus feet num.north)!0.5!(head num.south)$), xshift=-2.5cm] (canto) {SB Canto};
\draw (canto.east) -- (lotus feet num.west);
\draw (canto.east) -- (thighs num.west);
\draw (canto.east) -- (head num.west);
\draw (lotus feet num) -- (lotus feet);
\draw (thighs num) -- (thighs);
\draw (head num) -- (head);
\draw (lotus feet) -- (lotus feet desc);
\draw (thighs) -- (thighs desc);
\draw (head) -- (head desc);