







\def\trailingcitation#1{% adapted from expex
   \hskip 1.5em plus 1fill
   \penalty100\null\nobreak \hskip 0pt plus 1fill



A short quote gets a citation on the same line.
\trailingcitation{(Smith 2015)}

When the citation does not fit on the same line, a new line is used.
\trailingcitation{(Smith 2015)}

Due to \verb$\hbox$, long citations cause an overfull hbox.
\trailingcitation{(Author, \textit{Some very long title of a secondary source}, in citation by Smith 2015)}

\verb$\atright$ will make the first line as short as possible:
\atright{(Author, \textit{Some very long title of a secondary source}, in citation by Smith 2015)}

Whereas I want something like this (but only if it does not fit on the same line):\par\vspace{-1ex}
{\raggedleft (Author, \textit{Some very long title of a secondary source}, in citation by Smith 2015)\par}






\def\trailingcitation#1{% adapted from expex
   \hskip 1.5em plus 1fill
   \penalty100\null\nobreak \hskip 0pt plus 1fill
  % shorter line (if you like)
  \leftskip 20pt
  % reset last line flush right
  \hbox to \hsize{\hfill\unhbox0\unskip\unskip}}%


A short quote gets a citation on the same line.
\trailingcitation{(Smith 2015)}

When the citation does not fit on the same line, a new line is used.
\trailingcitation{(Smith 2015)}

Due to \verb$\hbox$, long citations cause an overfull hbox.
\trailingcitation{(Author, \textit{Some very long title of a secondary source}, in citation by Smith 2015)}


在列表和 ExPex 示例中,可用的水平空间有限。需要\vtop设置为\hsize=\linewidth,ExPex 示例需要设置为剩余宽度可以计算。以下内容在 ExPex 示例和列表中均有效。它还使用 ExPex 的mincitesepeverytrailingcitation,为了简单起见,它们已从问题的 MWE 中删除:




% Alan Munn's method to get remaining space in expex examples, https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/376534:

% We also need to know whether we are in an example or not:
\newif\ifinex \inexfalse

\def\trailingcitation#1{% adapted from expex
   \hskip\ling@mincitesep plus 1fill
   \penalty100\null\nobreak \hskip 0pt plus 1fill
  % shorter line (if you like)
  \leftskip 20pt
  \ling@everytrailingcitation #1\par
  % reset last line flush right
  \hbox to \hsize{\hfill\unhbox0\unskip\unskip}}%


  Due to \verb$\hbox$, long citations cause an overfull hbox.
  \trailingcitation{(Author, \textit{Some very long title of a secondary source}, in citation by Smith 2015)}

  Due to \verb$\hbox$, long citations cause an overfull hbox.
  \trailingcitation{(Author, \textit{Some very long title of a secondary source}, in citation by Smith 2015)}

    Due to \verb$\hbox$, long citations cause an overfull hbox.
    \trailingcitation{(Author, \textit{Some very long title of a secondary source}, in citation by Smith 2015)}

