使用 newcommand 自定义 mdfdefinedstyle

使用 newcommand 自定义 mdfdefinedstyle



    skipabove = 8pt,
    linewidth = 5pt,
    rightline = false,
    leftline = true,
    topline = false,
    bottomline = false,
    linecolor = black,
    backgroundcolor = black!5,


        skipabove = 8pt,
        linewidth = 2pt,
        rightline = false,
        leftline = true,
        topline = false,
        bottomline = false,
        linecolor = {#1}, % Retain all adjustment, except color
        backgroundcolor = {#1}!5,


\begin{mdframed}[style=mdcustombox, <THE COLOR>]
    Lorem ipsum...


(编辑)希望这是评论中所建议的所需 MWE,

        skipabove = 8pt,
        skipbelow = 8pt,
        linewidth = 2pt,
        rightline = false,
        leftline = true,
        topline = false,
        bottomline = false,
        linecolor = {#1}, % Retain all adjustment, except color
        backgroundcolor = {#1}!5,

    % I wish to have something like this, although the code is currently NOT WORKING

    \begin{mdframed}[style=mdcustombox, <THE COLOR>]
        Lorem ipsum...


似乎 mdframed 的 style-key 只是调用\mdfsetup



% In case the key "color" is provided without value, the value "red" is
% assumed.
% In case the key "color" is not specified at all, you get black and white
% unless values for the keys lincolor and backgroundcolor are already
% provided in a superordinate scope and thus are still valid.
    \mdfsetup{linecolor = {#1}, backgroundcolor = {#1!5},}%

    skipabove = 8pt,
    skipbelow = 8pt,
    linewidth = 2pt,
    rightline = false,
    leftline = true,
    topline = false,
    bottomline = false,
    % linecolor = {#1}, % Retain all adjustment, except color
    % backgroundcolor = {#1!5},

    \begin{mdframed}[style=mdcustombox, color = blue]
        Lorem ipsum...

    \begin{mdframed}[color = green, style=mdcustombox]
        Lorem ipsum...

    \begin{mdframed}[color, style=mdcustombox]
        Lorem ipsum...

        Lorem ipsum...




% In case the key "color" is provided without value, the value "red" is
% assumed.
% In case the key "color" is not specified at all, you get black and white
% unless values for the keys lincolor and backgroundcolor are already
% provided in a superordinate scope and thus are still valid.
    \mdfsetup{linecolor = {#1}, backgroundcolor = {#1!5},}%

    skipabove = 8pt,
    skipbelow = 8pt,
    linewidth = 2pt,
    rightline = false,
    leftline = true,
    topline = false,
    bottomline = false,

    \begin{mdframedcustom}[color = blue]
    % Alternatively you can do:
    %\begin{mdframedcustom}[linecolor = {blue}, backgroundcolor = {blue!5}]
        Lorem ipsum...

    \begin{mdframedcustom}[color = green]
        Lorem ipsum...

        Lorem ipsum...

        Lorem ipsum...




% Depending on the age of your TeX-distribution you may need to do:
% \usepackage{expl3}
% \usepackage{xparse}
% \ExplSyntaxOn
% \cs_new_eq:NN \IfBlankF \tl_if_blank:nF
% \cs_new_eq:NN \IfBlankT \tl_if_blank:nT
% \cs_new_eq:NN \IfBlankTF \tl_if_blank:nTF
% \ExplSyntaxOff

     % If the optional argument is not provided at all, use defaults
     % of the scope wherein the environment occurs:
       % If the optional argument is provided blank, as the
       % environment's dedault value use "red":
       \begin{mdframed}[linecolor = {red}, backgroundcolor = {red!5},
       % If the optional argument is provided otherwise, (try to)
       % use that:
       \begin{mdframed}[linecolor = {#1}, backgroundcolor = {#1!5},
  skipabove = 8pt,
  skipbelow = 8pt,
  linewidth = 2pt,
  rightline = false,
  leftline = true,
  topline = false,
  bottomline = false,

        Lorem ipsum...

        Lorem ipsum...

        Lorem ipsum...

        Lorem ipsum...





  skipabove = 8pt,
  skipbelow = 8pt,
  linewidth = 2pt,
  rightline = false,
  leftline = true,
  topline = false,
  bottomline = false,



\begin{mdframed}[style=mdcustombox, linecolor=red!70, backgroundcolor=blue!20]
  Lorem ipsum...

\begin{custombox}{linecolor=red!70, backgroundcolor=blue!20}
  Lorem ipsum...



