我正在尝试使用这个markdown 包. 我尝试编译该文档
_Hello,_ [Stack Exchange](http://tex.stackexchange.com)!
。pdflatex -shell-escape
在生成的 pdf 中,我只得到了打字机字体的 markdown 代码。日志文件中有趣的部分似乎是
\openout3 = `document.markdown.in'.
Package markdown Info: Buffering markdown input into the temporary input file "
document.markdown.in" and scanning for the closing token sequence "\end{markdow
n}" on input line 4.
Package markdown Info: The ending token sequence was found on input line 6.
Package markdown Info: Including markdown document "./document.markdown.in" on
input line 6.
\openout6 = `document.markdown.lua'.
Package luabridge Info: Writing a helper Lua script to file
(luabridge) \markdownOptionHelperScriptFileName
Package luabridge Info: Executing a helper Lua script from file
(luabridge) \markdownOptionHelperScriptFileName
(|texlua ./document.markdown.lua)
(./_markdown_document/9d5242e42cdbaaa17c844f6b5db64466.md.tex) [1
{/usr/local/texlive/2022/texmf-var/fonts/map/pdftex/updmap/pdftex.map}] (./docu
我觉得这没什么问题;至少我没有看到任何错误消息。日志中提到的 tex 文件显示
而该文件又只是原始的 markdown。调用\markdownRendererInputVerbatim