\usepackage[top=1in, bottom=1in, left=0.75in, right=0.75in]{geometry}
\newcommand{\university}{Gymnase de}
\newcommand{\faculty}{Cours de }
\newcommand{\examnum}{Test n}
\newcommand{\content}{Calcul }
\newcommand{\examdate}{Villeneuve sur France, 13 novembre 2023}
\newcommand{\timelimit}{45 minutes}
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\title{\Large \textbf{\university\\ \faculty\\
\class -- \examnum \\ \content}}
\author{Enseignant: Ciao Ciao}
\makebox[12cm]{\textbf{Pr\'enom et nom}:\ \hrulefill}
\noindent \rule{\textwidth}{1pt}
\item \textbf{Durée:} 45 minutes\\
\item \textbf{Matériel autorisé:} Formulaire officiel non annot\'e \\
\textbf{Distribution des points}\\
The \textit{pmf} of the amount of memory \textit{X} (GB) in a purchased flash drive was given as
$x$ & 1 & 2 & 4 & 8 & 16 \\
$p(x)$ & 0.05 & 0.10 & 0.35 & 0.40 & 0.10\\
Compute the following:
\part[2] Expected value $E(X)$
\part[2] Variance $V(X)$ directly from the definition
\part[2] The standard deviation $\sigma(X)$
\part[2] $V(X)$ using the shortcut formula ($V(X)=E(X^2)-E^2(X)$)
\question Each of 12 refrigerators of a certain type has been returned to a distributor because of the presence of a high-pitched oscillating noise when the refrigerator is running. Suppose that 5 of these 12 have defective compressors and the other 7 have less serious problems. If they are examined in random order, let X = the number among the first 6 examined that have a defective compressor. Compute the following:
\part[3] $P(X=1)$
\part[3] $P(X \geq 4)$
\question A reservation service employs five information operators who receive requests for information independently of one another, each according to a Poisson process with rate $\mu=2$ per minute.
\part[4] What is the probability that during a given 1-min period, the first operator receives no requests?
\part[4] What is the probability that during a given 1-min period, exactly four of the five operators receive no requests?(\textit{Hint}: treat either as a binomial process of 5 trials with 4 successes or consider 5 combinations of Poisson processes, e.g. only 1st operation receives a request or only 2nd operation receives a request and so on)
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%\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} %don't need anymore
\usepackage[top=1in, bottom=1in, left=0.75in, right=0.75in]{geometry}
\newcommand{\university}{Gymnase de}
\newcommand{\faculty}{Cours de }
\newcommand{\examnum}{Test n}
\newcommand{\content}{Calcul }
\newcommand{\examdate}{Villeneuve sur France, 13 novembre 2023}
\newcommand{\timelimit}{45 minutes}
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% define a new gradetable %
\hline Domanda: & \whiledo{ \not \( \thefqn > \numquestions\) }{%
\not \( \thefqn > \numquestions \) }{%
\thefqn &%
}\setcounter{fqn}{1} Bonus Redaction&Total\\\hline
Points: & \whiledo{ \not \( \thefqn > \numquestions \) }{%
\not \( \thefqn > \numquestions \) }{%
\pointsofquestion{\thefqn} &%
}\setcounter{fqn}{1}&\numpoints \\\hline
Punteggio: & \whiledo{ \not \( \thefqn > \numquestions \) }{%
\not \( \thefqn > \numquestions \) }{%
\title{\Large \textbf{\university\\ \faculty\\
\class -- \examnum \\ \content}}
\author{Enseignant: Ciao Ciao}
\makebox[12cm]{\textbf{Pr\'enom et nom}:\ \hrulefill}
\noindent \rule{\textwidth}{1pt}
\item \textbf{Durée:} 45 minutes\\
\item \textbf{Matériel autorisé:} Formulaire officiel non annot\'e \\
\textbf{Distribution des points}\\
The \textit{pmf} of the amount of memory \textit{X} (GB) in a purchased flash drive was given as
$x$ & 1 & 2 & 4 & 8 & 16 \\
$p(x)$ & 0.05 & 0.10 & 0.35 & 0.40 & 0.10\\
Compute the following:
\part[2] Expected value $E(X)$
\part[2] Variance $V(X)$ directly from the definition
\part[2] The standard deviation $\sigma(X)$
\part[2] $V(X)$ using the shortcut formula ($V(X)=E(X^2)-E^2(X)$)
\question Each of 12 refrigerators of a certain type has been returned to a distributor because of the presence of a high-pitched oscillating noise when the refrigerator is running. Suppose that 5 of these 12 have defective compressors and the other 7 have less serious problems. If they are examined in random order, let X = the number among the first 6 examined that have a defective compressor. Compute the following:
\part[3] $P(X=1)$
\part[3] $P(X \geq 4)$
\question A reservation service employs five information operators who receive requests for information independently of one another, each according to a Poisson process with rate $\mu=2$ per minute.
\part[4] What is the probability that during a given 1-min period, the first operator receives no requests?
\part[4] What is the probability that during a given 1-min period, exactly four of the five operators receive no requests?(\textit{Hint}: treat either as a binomial process of 5 trials with 4 successes or consider 5 combinations of Poisson processes, e.g. only 1st operation receives a request or only 2nd operation receives a request and so on)
This page is intentionally left blank to accommodate work that wouldn't fit elsewhere and/or scratch work.