\pgfplotsset{compat = newest}
%Draw axis x, y and z, with grid on each plane of the axis
axis equal image,
grid = both,
minor tick num = 2,
xlabel = {$x$},
ylabel = {$y$},
zlabel = {$z$},
major grid style = {draw = lightgray},
minor grid style = {draw = lightgray!25},
legend cell align={left},
xmin = -1, xmax = 1,
ymin = -1, ymax = 1,
scale = 3,
zmin = 0, zmax = 2,
z buffer = sort,
% Here comes the code
shader = interp,
samples = 50,
samples y = 20,
domain = 0:2*pi,
domain y = 0:1,
{cos(deg(x)) * y},
{sin(deg(x)) * y},
但它颠倒了圆锥体,我不知道为什么,我试图将 z 轴改为 -y,但没有成功。有人能帮我把圆锥体转过来吗?谢谢。
您可以更改是坐标为 {1-y} 而不是 {y}:
\pgfplotsset{compat = newest}
%Draw axis x, y and z, with grid on each plane of the axis
axis equal image,
grid = both,
minor tick num = 2,
xlabel = {$x$},
ylabel = {$y$},
zlabel = {$z$},
major grid style = {draw = lightgray},
minor grid style = {draw = lightgray!25},
legend cell align={left},
xmin = -1, xmax = 1,
ymin = -1, ymax = 1,
scale = 3,
zmin = 0, zmax = 2,
z buffer = sort,
% Here comes the code
shader = interp,
samples = 50,
samples y = 20,
domain = 0:2*pi,
domain y = 0:1,
{cos(deg(x)) * y},
{sin(deg(x)) * y},