我在 Overleaf 上的项目遇到了两个问题。首先,部分或段落之间有间隙,如图所示。以下是使用 LaTeX 编写的间隙:
Figure \ref{fig:sem} shows a picture of SEM analysis of the a silica surface coated with gold nanorods. The obtained results further supports the results obtained from the UV-Vis. The SEM image confirms the presence of both nanorods, this is correlated with the peak at 900 nm, and other shapes that are correlated with the peak around 500 nm.
\section{Interaction analysis, glass surfaces}
It's important to highlight that, In this section, the utilized AMP is CC-AMP, which is thiol-terminated.
\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{figure/Bare silica surface with NaOH.png}
\caption{QCMD measurements conducted on bare silica surface with NaOH . The measurment starts with the addition of NaOH to assess the extent of silica etching. Then, NaOH is added after the peptide to increase the pH of the system and the change the charge of the peptide. This was done to induce repulsion between the peptide and the silica surface, thereby reducing the attachment of the peptide to the surface. }
\label{fig:QCMD bare silica surface with NaOH}
\hspace{6 pt}
\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{figure/Coverage bare silica surface with NaOH.png}
\caption{The mass of the peptide immobilized on the silica surface.}
\label{fig:Coverage bare silica surface with NaOH}
\caption{Bare silica surface with NaOH.}
\label{fig:bare silica surface with NaOH}