我是 Latex 的新手,对于从 csv 中获取我想要的表格有点不知所措。
- 到目前为止,我已经使用以下代码在乳胶中显示带有灰色和白色行的 csv 表:
\usepackage{nicematrix}% for later
Control - Decomposed,-2.868,0.434,Inf,-6.61,0.001
Control - Low kelp,-2.596,0.428,Inf,-6.065,0.001
Control - High kelp,-2.533,0.429,Inf,-5.91,0.001
Decomposed - Low kelp,0.272,0.171,Inf,1.591,0.384
Decomposed - High kelp,0.335,0.178,Inf,1.877,0.238
Low kelp - High kelp,0.063,0.171,Inf,0.366,0.983
no head,
table head = \\\rowcolor{gray!50},
late after line = \ifcsvoddrow{\\\rowcolor{gray!15}}{\\\rowcolor{white}}
\caption{Post-hoc test of GLMM\label{phoctab}}
\csvreader[tabular = lcccc, mystyle]{data.csv}{}{\csvcoli & \csvcolii & \csvcoliii & \csvcolv & \csvcolvi}
唯一的问题是列之间的空白非常小。我尝试应用@F. Pantigny 的使用包 nicematrix (NiceTabular) 解决这个问题。
但是我无法将 csvsimple 和 nicematrix 结合起来,因此结果就是像上面那样没有空白的表格……
\csvreader[no head]{data.csv}{}{\csvcoli & \csvcolii & \csvcoliii & \csvcolv & \csvcolvi}
- 无法编译:
Fatal Package nicematrix Error: Too much columns.
(nicematrix) In the row 1, you try to use more columns
(nicematrix) than allowed by your environment
(nicematrix) {NiceTabular}. The maximal number of
(nicematrix) columns is 5 (plus the potential exterior
(nicematrix) ones).This error is fatal.
- 这是我经过 2 小时的实验和研究得出的最好的结果:
\csvreader[mystyle]{data.csv}{}{\csvcoli & \csvcolii & \csvcoliii & \csvcolv & \csvcolvi}
您忘记添加late after line = \\
Control - Decomposed,-2.868,0.434,Inf,-6.61,0.001
Control - Low kelp,-2.596,0.428,Inf,-6.065,0.001
Control - High kelp,-2.533,0.429,Inf,-5.91,0.001
Decomposed - Low kelp,0.272,0.171,Inf,1.591,0.384
Decomposed - High kelp,0.335,0.178,Inf,1.877,0.238
Low kelp - High kelp,0.063,0.171,Inf,0.366,0.983
Low kelp - High kelp,0.063,0.171,Inf,0.366,0.983
\csvreader[no head,late after line = \\]{data.csv}{}%
{\csvcoli & \csvcolii & \csvcoliii & \csvcolv & \csvcolvi }