thmbox 标题中的数学符号不加粗?

thmbox 标题中的数学符号不加粗?

所以我一直在尝试使用 thmbox 来增加我的本科报告的趣味性,但我不喜欢默认样式,所以我正在尝试调整它。我基本上已经按照我想要的方式做了,除了标题中的任何数学仍然显示为粗体,尽管我已经使用 更改了标题样式\mdseries



leftmargin = 4.5pt, 
thickness = 0.3pt,
bodystyle = \itshape\noindent,
titlestyle = \hspace{0.15cm}-\hspace{0.15cm}(\mdseries{#1})


\begin{definition}[The Free Group on Two Generators, $F_2$]       
The free group on two generators, $F_2$ is a free group over a set with two elements (generators), $S = \{a,b\}$, containing all reduced words that can be formed by concatenating elements of $\{ a, a^{-1}, b, b^{-1}\}$. The identity is the empty word, denoted $e$.

给出: 在此处输入图片描述

我不希望 $F_2$ 变得粗体!

此外,如果有人能帮助我让盒子完全包裹住内容,那就更好了!这是我的理想,但如果不是这样,我也会很高兴!(另外,我对 LaTeX 不是很有经验,所以如果可能的话,请尝试给我简单的解决方案!)




如果您希望左侧栏与左边距齐平,正确的间距是 4.3pt,并且右侧也需要相同的间距。为什么?因为thmbox:您总是否则将超额 4.3pt。



  leftmargin = 4.3pt,
  rightmargin= 4.3pt,% <--- or you get an overfull of 4.3pt
  thickness = 0.3pt,
  bodystyle = \itshape\noindent,
  titlestyle = \ --\ (#1),
  headstyle = \textbf{#1 #2},



\begin{definition}[The Free Group on Two Generators, $F_2$]
The free group on two generators, $F_2$ is a free group over a set with two
elements \itp{generators}, $S = \{a,b\}$, containing all reduced words that
can be formed by concatenating elements of $\{a, a^{-1}, b, b^{-1}\}$. The
identity is the empty word, denoted $e$.






  leftmargin = 4.3pt,
  rightmargin= 4.3pt,% <--- or you get an overfull of 4.3pt
  thickness = 0.3pt,
  bodystyle = \upshape\noindent,
  titlestyle = \ --\ (#1),
  headstyle = \textbf{#1 #2},



\begin{definition}[The Free Group on Two Generators, $F_2$]
The \emph{free group on two generators}, $F_2$ is a free group over a set with two 
elements (generators), $S = \{a,b\}$, containing all reduced words that 
can be formed by concatenating elements of $\{a, a^{-1}, b, b^{-1}\}$. The 
identity is the empty word, denoted $e$.




正如评论中所暗示的那样,只需删除键\boldmath中的开关即可headstyle。请注意,这\mdseries是一个开关,而不是一个带参数的命令,因此您对\mdseries{#1}in的使用titlestyle可以只是\mdseries #1。正如 egreg 在评论中提到的那样,您还应该将其放在\mdseries前面(,这样第一个括号就不会加粗。




  leftmargin = 4.5pt, 
  thickness = 0.3pt,
  bodystyle = \itshape\noindent,
  titlestyle = \hspace{0.15cm}-\hspace{0.15cm}\mdseries(#1),
  headstyle = \bfseries#1 #2,


\begin{definition}[The Free Group on Two Generators, $F_2$]       
The free group on two generators, $F_2$ is a free group over a set with two elements (generators), $S = \{a,b\}$, containing all reduced words that can be formed by concatenating elements of $\{ a, a^{-1}, b, b^{-1}\}$. The identity is the empty word, denoted $e$.


