\setlist*[algolist,1]{label={\itshape Step \arabic*:}}
\setlist*[algolist,2]{label={\itshape Step \arabic{algolisti}.\arabic*:}}
\setlist*[algolist,3]{label={\itshape Step \arabic{algolisti}.\arabic{algolistii}.\arabic*:}}
\item This is the first step of the algorithm. It can have many lines in it and they will wrap as you would expect.
\item This is the second step of the algorithm.
\item This is the first substep of the second step of the algorithm.
\item This is the second substep of the second step of the algorithm.
\item This is the first substep of the second substep of the algorithm.
\item This is the second substep of the second substep of the algorithm.