

我遇到了一个无法解决的问题,即使在网上搜索之后也是如此,我很抱歉,因为我对 Latex 还很陌生,而且这基本上是我的第一个表(需要跨越多页)。

如您所见,组 1 和所有区域均未垂直居中。此外,“表格末尾”注释也未正确水平居中。我尝试应用我找到的解决方案,但均无效 - 我相信我在这里做错了什么...




\begin{longtable}{p{5cm} @{}l p{10cm}}
Risk Category & Zone & Description \\

% Longtable rules for subsequent pages
{{\tablename\ \thetable{} -- Continued from previous page}} \\
Risk Category & Zone & Description \\

% Footer for all pages except last page.
\multicolumn{3}{r}{{Continued on next page}} \\

% Footer forthe  last page
\multicolumn{3}{r}{{End of table.}} \\

\multirow{2}{*}{Group 1} & Zone A of Group 1 & This is a fairly long sentence that will cause multiple line breaks in the document therefore creating many rows in this column. \\

& Zone B of Group 1 & This is a fairly long sentence that will cause multiple line breaks in the document therefore creating many rows in this column.\\

& Zone C & This is a fairly long sentence that will cause multiple line breaks in the document therefore creating many rows in this column. \\ 

& Zone D & This is a fairly long sentence that will cause multiple line breaks in the document therefore creating many rows in this column. \\ 



作为对 @cabohah 的精彩回答 (+1) 的补充,但使用了tabularray包。使用其longtblr表格,代码更清晰、更简洁(更短)。表格(在我看来)具有更吸引人的外观:


包的语法tabularray与其他(经典)表略有不同。例如,它定义和而不是\multirow和环境。有关更多详细信息,您需要阅读包文档。它包含许多示例。multicolumn\SetCell[r=<num of rows>]{<style} <content>\SetCell[c=<num of columns>]{<style} <content>




caption = {does your table has a caption?},
  label = {tab:long}
                ]{colspec = {*{2}{Q[l]} X[l,m]},
                  cell{2}{1} = {r=2}{},  
                  rowhead = 1,
Risk Category   & Zone      & Description \\
\SetCell[r=2]{}     Group 1
                & Zone A of Group 1 
                            & This is a fairly long sentence that will cause multiple line breaks in the document therefore creating many rows in this column. \\
                & Zone B of Group 1 
                            & This is a fairly long sentence that will cause multiple line breaks in the document therefore creating many rows in this column.\\
                & Zone C    & This is a fairly long sentence that will cause multiple line breaks in the document therefore creating many rows in this column. \\
                & Zone D    & This is a fairly long sentence that will cause multiple line breaks in the document therefore creating many rows in this column. \\
\SetCell[c=3]{r}    End of table.           \\



要垂直居中“区域”单元格,我建议使用m-columns 而不是p-columns。它们垂直居中到行的基线。m-columns 需要包array



\begin{longtable}{m{5cm} @{}l m{10cm}}
Risk Category & Zone & Description \\

% Longtable rules for subsequent pages
{{\tablename\ \thetable{} -- Continued from previous page}} \\
Risk Category & Zone & Description \\

% Footer for all pages except last page.
\multicolumn{3}{r}{{Continued on next page}} \\

% Footer forthe  last page
\multicolumn{3}{r}{{End of table.}} \\

\multirow[c]{3}{*}{Group 1} & Zone A of Group 1 & This is a fairly long sentence that will cause multiple line breaks in the document therefore creating many rows in this column. \\

& Zone B of Group 1 & This is a fairly long sentence that will cause multiple line breaks in the document therefore creating many rows in this column.\\

& Zone C & This is a fairly long sentence that will cause multiple line breaks in the document therefore creating many rows in this column. \\ 

& Zone D & This is a fairly long sentence that will cause multiple line breaks in the document therefore creating many rows in this column. \\ 





Risk Category & Zone & Description \\

% Longtable rules for subsequent pages
{{\tablename\ \thetable{} -- Continued from previous page}} \\
Risk Category & Zone & Description \\

% Footer for all pages except last page.
\multicolumn{3}{r}{{Continued on next page}} \\

% Footer forthe  last page
\multicolumn{3}{r}{{End of table.}} \\

\multirow[c]{3}{*}{Group 1} & Zone A of Group 1 & This is a fairly long sentence that will cause multiple line breaks in the document therefore creating many rows in this column. \\

& Zone B of Group 1 & This is a fairly long sentence that will cause multiple line breaks in the document therefore creating many rows in this column.\\

& Zone C & This is a fairly long sentence that will cause multiple line breaks in the document therefore creating many rows in this column. \\ 

& Zone D & This is a fairly long sentence that will cause multiple line breaks in the document therefore creating many rows in this column. \\ 



注意:我没有水平居中“表格末尾”,因为您似乎已经发现,您必须使用\multicolumn{3}来跨越所有三列。但是,如果您不想让文本居中右对齐,则需要\multicolumn{3}{c}{{End of table.}}
