我有这个 tikz 图形,但遗憾的是它与文本宽度不对齐。我该如何实现?
\tikzstyle{startstop} = [rectangle, rounded corners, minimum width=3cm, minimum height=1cm, text centered, draw=black, text width=3cm]
\tikzstyle{startstopnoborder} = [minimum width=3cm, minimum height=1cm, text centered, text width=3cm]
\tikzstyle{decision} = [diamond, minimum width=3cm, minimum height=1cm, text centered, draw=black, text width=3cm]
\tikzstyle{arrow} = [thick,->,>=stealth]
\usetikzlibrary{shapes.geometric, arrows, positioning}
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=1.5cm]
\node (add) [startstop] {Add new columns to the restricted master problem};
\node (solve1) [startstop, below=of add] {Solve subproblem for physician $i=1$};
\node (solve2) [startstop, below=of solve1] {Solve subproblem for physician $i=2$};
\node (dot) [startstopnoborder, below=of solve2] {$\vdots$};
\node (solven) [startstop, below=of dot] {Solve subproblem for physician $i=\mid I\mid$};
\node (solvethe) [startstop, left=of solve2,] {Solve the restricted LP master problem and obtain dual cost};
\node (construct) [startstop, left=of solvethe] {Construct initial restricted master problem with a basic solution / heuristic};
\node (reduce) [decision, right=of solve2] {Reduce cost $<$ 0};
\node (lp) [startstop, right=of reduce] {LP relaxation is optimal and find IP solution};
\node (empty1) [coordinate, right=1cm of solvethe] {};
\node (empty2) [coordinate, left=1cm of reduce] {};
\draw [arrow] (construct) -- (solvethe);
\draw [arrow] (add) -| (solvethe);
\draw [arrow] (reduce) |- node[fill=white,] {Yes} (add);
\draw [arrow] (reduce) -- node[fill=white,] {No} (lp);
\draw (solvethe) -- (empty1);
\draw [arrow] (empty1) |- (solve1);
\draw [arrow] (empty1) |- (solve2);
\draw [arrow] (empty1) |- (solven);
\draw [arrow] (empty2) -- (reduce);
\draw (solve1) -| (empty2);
\draw (solve2) -| (empty2);
\draw (solven) -| (empty2);
\usetikzlibrary{shapes.geometric, arrows, positioning}
startstop/.style = {draw, rounded corners, text width=2cm},
decision/.style = {diamond, draw, text width=1.5cm},
arrow/.style = {thick,rounded corners,-stealth}
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=0.8cm]\footnotesize
\node (add) [startstop] {Add new columns to the restricted master problem};
\node (solve1) [startstop, below=of add] {Solve subproblem for physician $i=1$};
\node (solve2) [startstop, below=of solve1] {Solve subproblem for physician $i=2$};
\node (solven) [startstop, below=of solve2] {Solve subproblem for physician $i=|I|$};
\node (solvethe) [startstop, left=of solve2,] {Solve the restricted LP master problem and obtain dual cost};
\node (construct) [startstop, left=of solvethe] {Construct initial restricted master problem with a basic solution / heuristic};
\node (reduce) [decision, right=of solve2] {Reduce cost $<$ 0};
\node (lp) [startstop, right=of reduce] {LP relaxation is optimal and find IP solution};
\draw [arrow] (construct) -- (solvethe);
\draw [arrow] (add) -| (solvethe);
\draw [arrow] (reduce) |- node[pos=0.1,above,sloped] {Yes} (add);
\draw [arrow] (reduce) -- node[above] {No} (lp);
\draw [arrow] (solvethe) -- coordinate(empty1) (solve2);
\draw [arrow] (solve2) -- coordinate(empty2) (reduce);
\draw [arrow] (solvethe) -| (empty1) |- (solve1);
\draw [arrow] (solve1) -| (empty2) |- (reduce);
\draw [arrow] (solvethe) -- (empty1) |- (solven);
\draw [arrow] (solven) -| (empty2) -- (reduce);
\path (solve2) -- node[pos=0.4]{$\vdots$} (solven);
已被弃用多年:请参阅下面的代码以了解更好的方法,这也可以避免代码重复。 也arrows
\usepackage{showframe}% just for the example
\usetikzlibrary{shapes.geometric, arrows.meta, positioning}
startstopnoborder/.style = {
minimum width=3cm,
minimum height=1cm,
text centered,
text width=3cm
startstop/.style = {
rounded corners,
decision/.style = {
arrow/.style = {thick,->,>=stealth},
\begin{adjustbox}{max width=\textwidth}
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=1.5cm]
\node (add) [startstop] {Add new columns to the restricted master problem};
\node (solve1) [startstop, below=of add] {Solve subproblem for physician $i=1$};
\node (solve2) [startstop, below=of solve1] {Solve subproblem for physician $i=2$};
\node (dot) [startstopnoborder, below=of solve2] {$\vdots$};
\node (solven) [startstop, below=of dot] {Solve subproblem for physician $i=\mid I\mid$};
\node (solvethe) [startstop, left=of solve2,] {Solve the restricted LP master problem and obtain dual cost};
\node (construct) [startstop, left=of solvethe] {Construct initial restricted master problem with a basic solution / heuristic};
\node (reduce) [decision, right=of solve2] {Reduce cost $<$ 0};
\node (lp) [startstop, right=of reduce] {LP relaxation is optimal and find IP solution};
\node (empty1) [coordinate, right=1cm of solvethe] {};
\node (empty2) [coordinate, left=1cm of reduce] {};
\draw [arrow] (construct) -- (solvethe);
\draw [arrow] (add) -| (solvethe);
\draw [arrow] (reduce) |- node[fill=white,] {Yes} (add);
\draw [arrow] (reduce) -- node[fill=white,] {No} (lp);
\draw (solvethe) -- (empty1);
\draw [arrow] (empty1) |- (solve1);
\draw [arrow] (empty1) |- (solve2);
\draw [arrow] (empty1) |- (solven);
\draw [arrow] (empty2) -- (reduce);
\draw (solve1) -| (empty2);
\draw (solve2) -| (empty2);
\draw (solven) -| (empty2);
如果您不想使用外部文件,还有其他选项,首先,您可以将所有 tikz 代码缩减为单个标记,甚至可以利用可以缩放、旋转和重复使用整个图形这一事实,当然,为了避免出现不良结果,您必须声明该transform shape
选项,如果不这样做,则只会修改坐标,而节点将保持相同的方向。如您所见,我做了 3 个选项,两个初始选项要求您手动查看哪种比例最适合您,这在将段落拼凑在一起时非常有用。如果在最后一张纸上您只占用一小部分,通过减小图形的尺寸,您可以使文本保留在前一张纸上,第三个选项只是强制图形具有指定的宽度。
\tikzstyle{startstop} = [rectangle, rounded corners, minimum width=3cm, minimum height=1cm, text centered, draw=black, text width=3cm]
\tikzstyle{startstopnoborder} = [minimum width=3cm, minimum height=1cm, text centered, text width=3cm]
\tikzstyle{decision} = [diamond, minimum width=3cm, minimum height=1cm, text centered, draw=black, text width=3cm]
\tikzstyle{arrow} = [thick,->,>=stealth]
\usetikzlibrary{shapes.geometric, arrows, positioning}
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=1.5cm,scale=#1,rotate=#2,transform shape]
\node (add) [startstop] {Add new columns to the restricted master problem};
\node (solve1) [startstop, below=of add] {Solve subproblem for physician $i=1$};
\node (solve2) [startstop, below=of solve1] {Solve subproblem for physician $i=2$};
\node (dot) [startstopnoborder, below=of solve2] {$\vdots$};
\node (solven) [startstop, below=of dot] {Solve subproblem for physician $i=\mid I\mid$};
\node (solvethe) [startstop, left=of solve2,] {Solve the restricted LP master problem and obtain dual cost};
\node (construct) [startstop, left=of solvethe] {Construct initial restricted master problem with a basic solution / heuristic};
\node (reduce) [decision, right=of solve2] {Reduce cost $<$ 0};
\node (lp) [startstop, right=of reduce] {LP relaxation is optimal and find IP solution};
\node (empty1) [coordinate, right=1cm of solvethe] {};
\node (empty2) [coordinate, left=1cm of reduce] {};
\draw [arrow] (construct) -- (solvethe);
\draw [arrow] (add) -| (solvethe);
\draw [arrow] (reduce) |- node[fill=white,] {Yes} (add);
\draw [arrow] (reduce) -- node[fill=white,] {No} (lp);
\draw (solvethe) -- (empty1);
\draw [arrow] (empty1) |- (solve1);
\draw [arrow] (empty1) |- (solve2);
\draw [arrow] (empty1) |- (solven);
\draw [arrow] (empty2) -- (reduce);
\draw (solve1) -| (empty2);
\draw (solve2) -| (empty2);
\draw (solven) -| (empty2);
\caption{Some text}
\caption{Some text}
\caption{Some text}