IEEE 会议模板中的 LaTeX 表格格式问题

IEEE 会议模板中的 LaTeX 表格格式问题

您好,Tex StackExchange 社区,

我在尝试使用 IEEE 会议模板创建表格时遇到了 LaTeX 问题。如所附第一张图片所示,表格未按预期显示。我的目标是第二张图片中显示的格式。


  \caption{Research questions for review}
  \begin{tabularx}{\columnwidth}{ @{} LL @{} }
    \#  & Questions                                                                                                                                                                  \\
    \midrule % optional, feel free to omit
    RQ1 & How does SOA contribute to green computing in data centers, focusing on energy efficiency and sustainability?                                                              \\
    RQ2 & What are the most effective SOA-based strategies for reducing electricity usage and carbon footprint in data centers, while maintaining performance?                       \\
    RQ3 & How do green computing techniques integrate with SOA to achieve sustainability goals in data centers, and what challenges and opportunities arise in their implementation? \\



图片 1: 在此处输入图片描述

图片 2:在此处输入图片描述





  \caption{Research questions for review}\label{exp}
  \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{ lX } % <-- \columnwidth is also okay here, but \linewidth is more general
    \#  & Questions  \\
    \midrule % optional, feel free to omit
    RQ1 & How does SOA contribute to green computing in data centers, focusing on energy efficiency and sustainability?                                                              \\
    RQ2 & What are the most effective SOA-based strategies for reducing electricity usage and carbon footprint in data centers, while maintaining performance?                       \\
    RQ3 & How do green computing techniques integrate with SOA to achieve sustainability goals in data centers, and what challenges and opportunities arise in their implementation? \\



