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\rhead{Internal Assessment}
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    \line(1,0){300} \\
    \huge{\bfseries INTERNAL ASSESSMENT} \\
    \line(1,0){200} \\
    \textsc{\LARGE What is the effect of varying the } \\
    \textsc{\Large Pages: 12} \\
\\~\\ \\~\\ \\~\\ \\~\\ \\~\\ \\~\\ 
\textsc{\large Neal B.\\
IB HL Physics\\}

During my early years of learning to play the flute, I struggled with maintaining a consistent tempo. Fortunately, I discovered the metronome, a device that produces a regular and precise beat, which helped me improve my sense of rhythm. This experience sparked my curiosity about the metronome's functionality, leading me to learn that it operates as a physical pendulum. Additionally, the study of physical pendulums also serves as a crucial precursor to understanding the unpredictable nature of double pendulums, which consist of two physical pendulums attached together. This topic is closely related to chaos theory, which is the modern successor to Newtonian mechanics. Despite being a common sight in clocks and musical instruments, double pendulums are incredibly complex and have defied attempts by physicists to develop an analytical solution. To grasp the intricacies of their chaotic mechanics, it is necessary to first examine the properties of the simpler correspondent, the physical pendulum.


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\rhead{Internal Assessment}

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