具有缩写和完整名字的作者 - 如何处理 biblatex 中的混乱?

具有缩写和完整名字的作者 - 如何处理 biblatex 中的混乱?

我很确定有人遇到过这种疯狂的事情,只是不知道如何问谷歌大叔。当将引文下载到或ZoteroJabRef任何引文管理器时,一些期刊只会提供名字作为缩写,例如B. K.其他期刊会提供全名,导致混淆的条目,其中一些条目有一个具有全名的特定作者,而其他条目只有缩写。因此,这会导致问题,例如biblatex因为它考虑了Doe, JohnDoe, J.两个不同的作者,导致诸如在文内引文中放置名字首字母之类的行为,需要通过解决此问题,uniquename=false从而导致被忽略(可能仍然是为了解决非唯一性)。这实际上是非常烦人的问题。显然,一种方法是手动逐一浏览参考文献并处理它。但这非常繁琐。maxcitenames=3mincitenames=1

例如,JabRefZotero都有处理重复条目的工具。JabRef此外,还有一种方法可以显示bib数据库中的错误。但是你如何自动处理这些作者的混乱情况呢?(理想情况下,我会设想一个工具,它只向你显示一堆具有相同姓氏和名字首字母的 bib 项目,然后你选择“好的,我想将完整的名字复制到这些条目中”或任何其他合理的方法来处理这个问题,而无需花费数小时手动修改条目,最好尽可能保留完整的名字)



您可以自己编写此功能,例如使用Text::BibTeX提供文件解析功能的Perl 库.bib


有一些簿记实际上是从姓氏、名字、前缀(“von”部分)和后缀(“jr”部分)中重建名称,因为我不清楚是否可以保留现有对象Text::BibTeX::Name并仅修改它的一部分(此处为部分first)同时保持其余部分不变 - 所以我决定从各部分构建一个名称字符串并在条目末尾手动连接所有名称。


use Text::BibTeX;

# first pass: store the longest name for each last name+initial combination
my $bibfile = Text::BibTeX::File->new("$ARGV[0]") or die "error: $ARGV[0] not found\n";

while ($entry = Text::BibTeX::Entry->new($bibfile)){
    @names = $entry->names('author');
    # loop all authors
    foreach $name (@names){
        $last = join(' ', $name->part('last'));
        $first = join(' ', $name->part('first'));
        $char1 = substr($first,0,1);
        # if the last name with this initial is seen before,
            # check if the new first name is longer than the previous one
            if(length($first) > length($namemap{$last.$char1})){
                # if yes, store it, otherwise do nothing (i.e., keep the previous one)
                $namemap{$last.$char1} = $first;
        # last name with this initial has not been seen, store the first name
            $namemap{$last.$char1} = $first;

# second pass: replace the names
my $bibfile = Text::BibTeX::File->new("$ARGV[0]") or die "error: $ARGV[0] not found\n";
my $newfile = Text::BibTeX::File->new(">$ARGV[1]") or die "error: cannot write $ARGV[1]\n";

while ($entry = Text::BibTeX::Entry->new($bibfile)){
    @newnames = ();
    @names = $entry->names('author');
    # loop each author
    foreach $name (@names){
        $last = join(' ', $name->part('last'));
        $currfirst = join(' ', $name->part('first'));
        $char1 = substr($currfirst,0,1);
        # find the first name stored in the first pass
        $first = $namemap{$last.$char1};
        # reconstruct the name as von last, jr, first
        $reconstructname = "";
           $reconstructname .= $name->part('von')." ";
        $reconstructname .= $last.", ";
           $reconstructname .= $name->part('jr').", ";
        $reconstructname .= $first;
        # add reconstructed name to list of authors
        push(@newnames, $reconstructname);
    # set full author field as all authors separated by "and"
    $entry->set('author', join(' and ', @newnames));
    # write the entry to the bib file


   author = {J. Smith and J. Doe and C. Doe},
   title = {The Shorter The Better},
   year = {2009}

   author = {Doe, John and Smith, Jane Mary and Doe, Charlie},
   title = {Full Names Are Important},
   year = {2010}


perl script.pl inputfile.bib outputfile.bib


  author = {Smith, Jane Mary and Doe, John and Doe, Charlie},
  title = {The Shorter The Better},
  year = {2009},

  author = {Doe, John and Smith, Jane Mary and Doe, Charlie},
  title = {Full Names Are Important},
  year = {2010},
