我需要这个图的 LaTex 代码。我试过很多次,但还是有些问题

我需要这个图的 LaTex 代码。我试过很多次,但还是有些问题




% Define a new command for drawing rectangles with specified width and height
\newcommand{\myrectangle}[6]{\draw (0,0) rectangle (#1,#2);}


Your content here \\
    \myrectangle{4}{4} % First box
    \node[align=left, anchor=north] at (0.5,0.9) {Text 1}; % Text inside first box
    \begin{scope}[shift={(0.2,2)}] % Shift for the first nested box
        \myrectangle{3.5}{2} % First nested box
        \node[align=left, anchor=north] at (0.3,0.4) {Nested 1a}; % Text inside first nested box
    \begin{scope}[shift={(0.2,0.1)}] % Shift for the second nested box
        \myrectangle{2}{2} % Second nested box
        \node[align=left, anchor=north] at (0.3,0.4) {Nested 1b}; % Text inside second nested box

    \myrectangle{4}{4} % Second box
    \node[align=left, anchor=north] at (0.5,0.9) {Text 2}; % Text inside second box
    \begin{scope}[shift={(0.2,0.5)}] % Shift for the first nested box
        \myrectangle{0.6}{0.4} % First nested box
        \node[align=left, anchor=north] at (0.3,0.4) {Nested 2a}; % Text inside first nested box
    \begin{scope}[shift={(0.2,0.1)}] % Shift for the second nested box
        \myrectangle{0.6}{0.4} % Second nested box
        \node[align=left, anchor=north] at (0.3,0.4) {Nested 2b}; % Text inside second nested box

    \myrectangle{4}{4} % Third box
    \node[align=left, anchor=north] at (0.5,0.9) {Text 3}; % Text inside third box
    \begin{scope}[shift={(0.2,0.5)}] % Shift for the first nested box
        \myrectangle{0.6}{0.4} % First nested box
        \node[align=left, anchor=north] at (0.3,0.4) {Nested 3a}; % Text inside first nested box
    \begin{scope}[shift={(0.2,0.1)}] % Shift for the second nested box
        \myrectangle{0.6}{0.4} % Second nested box
        \node[align=left, anchor=north] at (0.3,0.4) {Nested 3b}; % Text inside second nested box
\end{tikzpicture} \\



结果 有人能帮我写一下这个图的代码吗?谢谢。



    \textbf{\textit{\color{myorange}Block 0.22-Make, Say and Write 2-digit numbers}}
            \color{myorange}\textbf{\textit{Session 0.22 A}}
                \raggedright % Align text to the left
                        \color{titlebg}\textit{\textbf{Daily Review \& Quick Teach (DRQT)}}
                        \color{titlebg}\textit{\textbf{Explicit Lesson:}}\\
                        \color{titlebg}\textit{Topic Make, Say and write 2-digit numbers}
            \color{myorange}\textbf{\textit{Session 0.22 B}}
                \raggedright % Align text to the left
                        \color{titlebg}\textit{Daily Review \& Quick Teach (DRQT)}
                        \color{darkgreen}\textit{\textbf{Measurement and Geometry or Probability and Statistics (MGPS) Outline:}}\\
                        \color{darkgreen}\textit{Topic: Today, Yesterday and Tomorro}      
            \color{myorange}\textbf{\textit{Session 0.22 C}}
                \raggedright % Align text to the left
                        \color{titlebg}\textit{Daily Review \& Quick Teach (DRQT)}
                    \color{titlebg}\textit{\textbf{Consolidation Lesson:}}\\
                        \color{titlebg}\textit{Topic Make, Say and write 2-digit numbers}
