图像浮动至下一页,保持 tufte-book 中的边距规则

图像浮动至下一页,保持 tufte-book 中的边距规则




To summarize, in figure~\ref{fig:rank-libraries-full} one can see the current state of the implementation of Rank's libraries of \texttt{rankd-comp} for computing resources, \texttt{rankd-net} for network resources, and \texttt{rankd-time} for timing resources and \acl{tsn} configurations.

    \missingfigure[figwidth=\textwidth]{The full integration of components and interactions within the scope of the Rank metrics gatherer libraries}
    \caption{The full integration of components and interactions within the scope of the Rank metrics gatherer libraries}

With all the metrics already gathered we can now assess the capabilities of a given machines towards the execution or the schedulability of a given service.






请注意,如果您加载 ifoddpage 包,tufte-book 将使用它(\oddpage@label将显示在 aux 文件中)。但是,它\checkoddpage在开头运行@tufte@float,而不是在lrbox它所属的内部运行。它需要两次运行才能处理更改。


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To summarize, in figure~\ref{fig:rank-libraries-full} one can see the current state of the implementation of Rank's libraries of \texttt{rankd-comp} for computing resources, \texttt{rankd-net} for network resources, and \texttt{rankd-time} for timing resources and \verb|\acl{tsn}| configurations.

    \verb|\missingfigure[figwidth=\textwidth]|{The full integration of components and interactions within the scope of the Rank metrics gatherer libraries}
    \caption{The full integration of components and interactions within the scope of the Rank metrics gatherer libraries}

With all the metrics already gathered we can now assess the capabilities of a given machines towards the execution or the schedulability of a given service.

