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\colorbox{blue}{\color{yellow}\begin{blockarray}{l <{\enspace }\}@{\qquad} >{\color{white}\setstretch{1.33}}l}
\mycbox{Carburizing} & \multirow{4}{7cm}[3ex]{%
\begin{itemize}[wide = 0pt ]
\item Forming harder and stronger surface \MVRightArrow{} introducing compressive residual stress
\item The strengthening effect depends on the diameter of the part and the depth of the surface hardening.
\mycbox{Nitriding} \\
\mycbox{Flame hardening} \\
\mycbox{Induction hardening} \\
\end{blockarray} }
对于黑白版本,请删除 xcolor 加载并使用此代码:
\begin{blockarray}{ >{\enspace $\sffamily\bfseries}l <{\enspace $}\}@{\qquad} >{\setstretch{1.33}}l <{\enspace}}
Carburizing & \multirow{4}{6.3cm}[3ex]{%
\begin{itemize}[wide = 0pt ]
\item Forming harder and stronger surface \MVRightArrow{} introducing compressive residual stress
\item The strengthening effect depends on the diameter of the part and the depth of the surface hardening.
Nitriding \\
Flame hardening \\
Induction hardening \\
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fonttitle=\bfseries\sffamily\large,center title,
\tcbox{Flame hardening}
\tcbox{Induction hardening}
\item Forming harder and stronger surface \ding{212} introducing compressive
residual stress.
\item The strengthening effect depends on the diameter of the part and the
depth of the surface hardening.
\begin{myenvironment}[raster force size,title=My environment]
\tcbox{Flame hardening}
\tcbox{Induction hardening}
\item Forming harder and stronger surface \ding{212} introducing compressive
residual stress.
\item The strengthening effect depends on the diameter of the part and the
depth of the surface hardening.
\begin{myenvironment}[raster force size,title=My environment,
rounded corners,drop fuzzy shadow]
\tcbox{Flame hardening}
\tcbox{Induction hardening}
\item Forming harder and stronger surface \ding{212} introducing compressive
residual stress.
\item The strengthening effect depends on the diameter of the part and the
depth of the surface hardening.
enhanced,sidebyside,lefthand width=3.7cm,%
sharp corners,left=2mm,right=2mm,boxrule=0.4pt,
interior style={left color=blue!75!black,right color=blue},
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after lower={\end{itemize}},
fonttitle=\bfseries\sffamily\large,center title,
\begin{myenvironment}[lefthand width=3cm]
\tcbox{Flame hard.}
\tcbox{Induction hard.}
\item Forming harder and stronger surface \ding{212} introducing compressive
residual stress.
\item The strengthening effect depends on the diameter of the part and the
depth of the surface hardening.
。不知道如何在 LyX 中做到这一点,但这里有一个在常规投影仪中的方法:
\begin{block}{Surface Treatments}
\item Carburizing
\item Nitriding
\item Flame hardening
\item Induction hardening
\item Forming harder and stronger surface $\rightarrow$ introducing compressive residual stress
\item The strengthening effect depends on the diameter of the part and the depth of the surface hardening
\begin{block}{Something else}
This is just a placeholder. The slide may look better if this wasn't here.