

有没有办法计算 tikz 图片中节点的高度,并将一个长度除以另一个长度以获得计数器并将其四舍五入?如果有,在阅读完使用不同类型的变量进行计算的主题后,我可以在哪里阅读?


\documentclass [a4paper] {article}  

%in this  case i want to do a framebox with the parameter of 1 line's length in a tikz pictures
%because i dont know how could i get the heigth of the node i try to calculate it by divide the full length of the text (what i got with the command \settototalheight from the calc package) by the length of 1 line (this is a parameter) so i got the number of lines(this is a value not a length so i cannot use the \divide command because the type of the variable)  
\newlength \widthofone \fullwidth \heightoneline \fullheight
\nemcounters \numberoflines 

\newcommand {\altframe}[2] { %#1 the text #2 the width of the lines
\widthofone=#2pt %im not sure how to convert a length from a value but i try to input the 2nd parameter into a length variable  
\settototalheight{\heightoneline}{qwe} %i get the height of one line by the calc package  
\setwidth{\totalwidth}{#1} %i calculate the width of the text    
%And now i would divide \fullwidth by \widthofone ,if i would know how to do it, to get  \numberoflines  
 %I would multiply it by \height to get \fullheight  

   \node[text width=#2pt] at (0,0) {#1};%i write out the text  
   \draw[->,color=black] (\fullwidth/2,\fullheight/2) -- (0-\fullwidth/2,\fullheight/2); %i draw out the lines (i use height/2 becouse of the fact that the (0,0) coordinate is the middle of the picture)  
   \draw[->,color=black] (\fullwidth/2,0-\fullheight/2) -- (0-\fullwidth/2,0-\fullheight/2);  
   \draw[->,color=black] (\fullwidth/2,\fullheight/2) -- (\fullwidth/2,0-\fullheight/2);  
   \draw[->,color=black] (0-\fullwidth/2,\fullheight/2) -- (0-\fullwidth/2,0-\fullheight/2);   

\altframe{i love this sample text}{100}




计算 tikz 图片中节点的高度

如同tikzpicture 中的 \widthof








  • 行数不能这样计算。因为 TeX 倾向于在适当的职位,行数通常较大。
  • “一行的(总)高度”不是常数。例如{x xx}{M MM}{j jj}的高度不同。
  • 更糟糕的是,“一行的(总)高度在一个段落中' 与给出的 不同\settototalheight。通常前者是\baselineskip,但它可以更大。



\newlength\widthofone \newlength\fullwidth \newlength\heightoneline \newlength\fullheight


\newcommand {\altframe}[2]{

    \node[text width=#2](baby)at(0,0){#1};
    \node[text width=5cm]at(0,-3){
        widthofone      =\the\widthofone    \\
        fullwidth       =\the\fullwidth     \\
        heightoneline   =\the\heightoneline \\
        fullheight      =\the\fullheight    \\
        numberoflines   =    \numberoflines};
\altframe{i love this sample text}{50pt}
