我使用 makeidx 包和命令在文档中创建了一个索引\index{}
\section{Section 1}
% Display here all indexes used in Section 1
\index{First index}
\index{Second index}
\section{Section 2}
% Display here all indexes used in Section 2
\index{Third index}
\makeindex[name=indexsec1,title={Index of section 1}]
\makeindex[name=indexsec2,title={Index of section 2}]
\section{Section 1}
% Display here all indexes used in Section 1
\index[indexsec\number\value{totalsections}]{First index}
\index[indexsec\number\value{totalsections}]{Second index}
\section{Section 2}
% Display here all indexes used in Section 2
\index[indexsec\number\value{totalsections}]{Third index}
\forloop{loopcounter}{1}{\value{loopcounter} < \numexpr\value{maxindexsections}+1}{%
% \immediate\write\@auxout{\string\setcounter{numberofsections}{\number\totvalue{totalsections}}}
\section{Section 1}
% Display here all indexes used in Section 1
\index{First index}
\index{Second index}
\index{Intermediate index of first section}
\section{Section 2}
% Display here all indexes used in Section 2
\index{Third index}
\section{Section 3}
\index{Fourth index}