向 Tikz 图形添加分隔线

向 Tikz 图形添加分隔线




\begin{tikzpicture}[sibling distance=10em,
    every node/.style = {shape=circle, draw, align=center}]]
    \node [fill=black] {}
        child { node (ja1) [fill=black] {} 
            child { [sibling distance=10em] node (ja2) [fill=black] {}
                child { [sibling distance=5em] node [fill=black] {}
                    child { node (ja4l) [fill=black] {} edge from parent node [left, draw=none] {Ja} }
                    child { node (nein4l) [fill=black] {} edge from parent node [right, draw=none] {Nein} }
                    edge from parent node [left, draw=none] {Ja}} % Dritte Ebene
                child { [sibling distance=5em] node [fill=black] {}
                    child { node (ja4r) [fill=black] {}edge from parent node [left, draw=none] {Ja} }
                    child { node (nein4r) [fill=black] {} edge from parent node [right, draw=none] {Nein} }
                edge from parent node [right, draw=none] {Nein} } % Dritte Ebene
            edge from parent node [left, draw=none] {Ja} } % Zweite Ebene
            child { node (nein2) [fill=black] {} edge from parent node [right, draw=none] {Nein} }
        edge from parent node [left, draw=none] {Ja} } % Erste Ebene
        child { node (nein1) [fill=black] {} edge from parent node [right, draw=none] {Nein}}; % Erste Ebene

    \node (nop) [draw=none, below = of nein1, shape=rectangle, xshift=5em] {Keine Provenance};
    \node (pla) [draw=none, below = of nein2, shape = rectangle, xshift=5em] {Plausibilität};
    \node (nvz) [draw=none, below = of nein4r, shape = rectangle, xshift=2.5em] {Nachvollziehbarkeit};
    \node (rek) [draw=none, below = of ja4r, shape=rectangle, yshift=-2.5em] {Rekonstruierbarkeit};
    \node (snv) [draw=none, below = of nein4l, shape=rectangle, yshift=-p5em] {Starke Nachvollziehbarkeit};
    \node (srk) [draw=none, below = of ja4l, shape=rectangle, xshift=-2.5em] {Starke Rekonstruierbarkeit \\ Fehlernachvollziehbarkeit};

    \draw (nein1) -- (nop);
    \draw (nein2) -- (pla);
    \draw (nein4r) -- (nvz);
    \draw (ja4r) -- (rek);
    \draw (nein4l) -- (snv);
    \draw (ja4l) -- (srk);





以下是仅使用 TikZ 的建议:


    punkt/.style={shape=circle, fill=black},
    nurtext/.style={shape=rectangle, draw=none, fill=none, align=center}
    \node (root) [punkt] {}
        [every child node/.append style = {punkt},
        sibling distance=10em,
        edge from parent/.append style = {nodes={inner xsep=.75em}},
        level 4/.style={
          sibling distance=5em,
          edge from parent/.append style = {nodes={inner xsep=.5em}}}
        child { node {} 
            child { node {}
                child {  node {}
                    child { node {}
                        child { node [nurtext] { Starke Rekonstruierbarkeit \\ Fehlernachvollziehbarkeit } }
                        child [missing]
                        edge from parent node [left] {Ja} }
                    child { node {} 
                        child [level distance=2.5cm] { node [nurtext] { Starke Nachvollziehbarkeit } }
                        edge from parent node [right] {Nein} }
                    edge from parent node [left] {Ja}} % Dritte Ebene
                child {  node {}
                    child { node {}
                        child [level distance=2cm] { node [nurtext] { Rekonstruierbarkeit } }
                        edge from parent node [left] {Ja} }
                    child { node {} 
                        child [missing]
                        child { node [nurtext] { Nachvollziehbarkeit } }
                        edge from parent node [right] {Nein} }
                edge from parent node [right] {Nein} } % Dritte Ebene
            edge from parent node [left] {Ja} } % Zweite Ebene
            child { node {}
                child [missing]
                child { node [nurtext] {Plausibiltiät} }
                edge from parent node [right] {Nein} }
        edge from parent node [left] {Ja} } % Erste Ebene
        child { node {} 
            child [missing]
            child { node [nurtext] {Keine Provenance} }
            edge from parent node [right] {Nein} }; % Erste Ebene
        (root-1-1-1-1-1.west) coordinate (links)
    \path [ nodes={right} ]
        --node{Bedingung 1}
        --node{Bedingung 2}
        --node{Bedingung 3}
        --node{Bedingung 4}


这使用基于forestcalled justtrees(版本 0.05) 的实验包。如果您感兴趣,请告诉我。



  [, left just=, right just=, name=n1
    [, left just=Condition 1, right just=, name=n2
      [, left just=Condition 2, right just=, name=n3
        [, left just=Condition 3, right just=, name=n4
          [, left just=Condition 4, right just=, name=n5
            [Starke Rekonstruierbarkeit\\Fehlernachvollziehbarkeit]
            [[[Starke Nachvollziehbarkeit]]]
      [Keine Provenance]

空节点left just和空right just节点被添加到我们想要创建空节点的位置,以便绘制分隔线。如果我们真的想要在这个级别上添加注释,我们会说left just=<annotation>phantom节点只是为了帮助放置兄弟节点,我们不希望在其父节点下方直接有一个子节点。



      just format={yshift=.75\baselineskip},


      for tree={
        if level=1{
          before typesetting nodes={circle, draw, fill, inner sep=2.5pt}
        if n children=0{
          parent anchor=center,
          child anchor=center,
          if n children=2{
            for children={
              if n children=0{}{
                before typesetting nodes={circle, draw, fill, inner sep=2.5pt},
                if n=1{% create the 'Ja' and 'Nein' labels
                  edge label={node [midway, left, xshift=-5pt] {Ja}}
                  if n'=1{
                    edge label={node [midway, right, xshift=5pt] {Nein}}


      end draw/.code={
        \foreach \i in {1,...,5}{
          \draw (left just 2.south west |- n\i) coordinate (this \i) -- (right just \i.south west |- this \i);




\usepackage{justtrees}% version 0.05
      just format={yshift=.75\baselineskip},
      for tree={
        if level=1{
          before typesetting nodes={circle, draw, fill, inner sep=2.5pt}
        if n children=0{
          parent anchor=center,
          child anchor=center,
          if n children=2{
            for children={
              if n children=0{}{
                before typesetting nodes={circle, draw, fill, inner sep=2.5pt},
                if n=1{
                  edge label={node [midway, left, xshift=-5pt] {Ja}}
                  if n'=1{
                    edge label={node [midway, right, xshift=5pt] {Nein}}
      end draw/.code={
        \foreach \i in {1,...,5}{
          \draw (left just 2.south west |- n\i) coordinate (this \i) -- (right just \i.south west |- this \i);
  [, left just=, right just=, name=root, name=n1
    [, left just=Condition 1, right just=, name=n2
      [, left just=Condition 2, right just=, name=n3
        [, left just=Condition 3, right just=, name=n4
          [, left just=Condition 4, right just=, name=n5
            [Starke Rekonstruierbarkeit\\Fehlernachvollziehbarkeit]
            [[[Starke Nachvollziehbarkeit]]]
      [Keine Provenance]
