我发现在页码编号方面存在一些问题。我使用“罗马”样式作为索引,使用“阿拉伯”样式作为其他页面,但问题是:我想从右侧的章节和页码 1 开始。我使用“回忆录”作为类别,但我无法设置它。有人能帮助我吗?非常感谢
% Pacchetti ed impostazioni generali
%------------------------- N E N A layout ----------------------
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% Font with math support: New Century Schoolbook
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% Oscar's command (it works):
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% frontmatter. This will work for title, abstract and declaration. Though the
% contents sections will each start on an odd-numbered page they will
% spill over onto the even-numbered pages if extending beyond one page
% (hopefully, this is ok).
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% Frontespizio
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% \input{Appendice_A/Appendice_A}