在以下 MWE 中摘自此处并进行了修改如何才能使每个条目与部分名称对齐,即不缩进?我还希望每个条目跨越整个文本宽度。
\usepackage{array, xcolor, lipsum, bibentry}
\title{\bfseries\Huge Tom T. Texblog}
\author{[email protected]}
\newcommand\VRule{\color{lightgray}\vrule width 0.5pt}
Main Road 25\\
City 12345\\
State of Sabotage
January 3rd, 2020\\
+12 34 56 789
\section*{Professional Experience}
2011--today&{\bf Work at company XY.}\\
2005--2007&{\bf MSc in Computer Science, Great University, Country.}\\[5pt]
2001--2005&BSc in Life Science, Great University, Country.\\
Klingon&Mother tongue\\
{\bf English}&{\bf Fluent}\\
French&Fluent (DELF 2010)\\
因为只有将第一列在左对齐才有意义,所以我推测这就是您所需要的,对我来说,覆盖缩进的最简单方法是在每个表格环境前添加一个 -9pt 空格,然后只需调整列文本宽度比例。
\usepackage{array, xcolor, lipsum, bibentry}
\title{\bfseries\Huge Tom T. Texblog}
\author{[email protected]}
\newcommand\VRule{\color{lightgray}\vrule width 0.5pt}
Main Road 25\\
City 12345\\
State of Sabotage
January 3rd, 2020\\
+12 34 56 789
\section*{Professional Experience}
\hspace{-9pt} \begin{tabular}{L!{\VRule}R}
2011--today&{\bf Work at company XY.}\\
\hspace{-9pt} \begin{tabular}{L!{\VRule}R}
2005--2007&{\bf MSc in Computer Science, Great University, Country.}\\[5pt]
2001--2005&BSc in Life Science, Great University, Country.\\
\hspace{-9pt} \begin{tabular}{L!{\VRule}R}
Klingon&Mother tongue\\
{\bf English}&{\bf Fluent}\\
French&Fluent (DELF 2010)\\