在 `TikZ` 中绘制 60 度圆弧

在 `TikZ` 中绘制 60 度圆弧

我正在尝试绘制两个 60 度角的圆弧。为什么不

\draw[draw=green] ($(B')!0.375cm!(A')$) arc (180:120:0.375);
\draw[draw=blue] ($(P')!3.75mm!(B')$) arc (0:60:0.375);





\begin{tikzpicture}[x=0.3cm, y=0.3cm]

\path let \n1={6.5*(sqrt(3)/2)} in (0,0) coordinate (A) (10,0) coordinate (B) (6.75,\n1) coordinate (C) (3.25,\n1) coordinate (D);
\path[fill=LimeGreen!75] (A) -- (C) -- (D) -- cycle;
\path[fill=LimeGreen!75] (B) -- (C) -- (6.75,0) -- cycle;
\path[fill=NavyBlue!50] (A) -- (C) -- (6.75,0) -- cycle;
\draw[OliveGreen] (A) -- (D) -- (C);
\draw[OliveGreen] (B) -- (C) -- (6.75,0);
\draw[OliveGreen] (B) -- (6.75,0);
\draw[blue] (A) -- (C);
\draw[blue] (A) -- (6.75,0);
\draw[dashed, thick, yellow] (6.75,0) -- (C);

%An arrow from the given isosceles trapezoid to a decomposition of it into a parallelogram and two congruent right triangles.
\draw[-latex] let \n1={6.5*(sqrt(3)/2)/2} in (11,\n1) to[out=60,in=120] (13,\n1);

\path let \n1={6.5*(sqrt(3)/2)} in (14,0) coordinate (A') (24,0) coordinate (B') (20.75,\n1) coordinate (C') (17.25,\n1) coordinate (D')
(17.5,0) coordinate (P');
\draw[OliveGreen] (A') -- (D') -- (C');
\draw[OliveGreen] (B') -- (C') -- (17.5,0);
\draw[OliveGreen] (B') -- (20.75,0);
\path[fill=LimeGreen!75] (A') -- (C') -- (D') -- cycle;
\path[fill=NavyBlue!50] (A') -- (C') -- (P') -- cycle;
\draw[blue] (A') -- (20.75,0);
\draw[blue, dashed] (C') -- (P');
\draw[blue] (A') -- (C');

%The legs of the isosceles trapezoid and BP are marked with "|".
\draw[OliveGreen, thick] ($($(A')!0.5!(D')$)!3pt!90:(A')$) -- ($($(A')!0.5!(D')$)!3pt!-90:(A')$);
\draw[OliveGreen, thick] ($($(B')!0.5!(C')$)!3pt!90:(B')$) -- ($($(B')!0.5!(C')$)!3pt!-90:(B')$);
\draw[blue, thick] ($($(C')!0.5!(P')$)!3pt!90:(C')$) -- ($($(C')!0.5!(P')$)!3pt!-90:(C')$);
\draw[dashed, thick, yellow] (20.75,0) -- (C');

%The marks indicating the measure of \angle{ABC} and \angle{BPC} are drawn. Since they are congruent to each other, they are marked with "|".
\draw[draw=green] ($(B')!0.375cm!(A')$) arc (180:120:0.375);
\draw[draw=green] ($(B') +(150:{0.375cm-3pt})$) -- ($(B') +(150:{0.375cm+3pt})$);
\draw[draw=blue] ($(P')!3.75mm!(B')$) arc (0:60:0.375);
\draw[draw=blue] ($(P') +(30:{0.375cm-3pt})$) -- ($(P') +(30:{0.375cm+3pt})$);





\draw[draw=green] ($(B')!0.375cm!(A')$) arc (180:120:0.375cm);

\draw[draw=blue] ($(P')!3.75mm!(B')$) arc (0:60:0.375cm);


