


 \begin{tabular}{|c c c|} 
 \hline \\
 Comparison & Data-based & Model-based  \\~\\ 
 Complexity & Requires a fair amount of data & Requires a physical model of the system.  \\~\\ 
 Fault detection & Diagnosis based on the difference between sensor  & Diagnosis based on output   residual of system \\
  & output under fault-free and faulty cases & model and actual system   \\~\\
 Fault model & Fault features discovered based on collected & Through structural analysis, signature matrix  \\
  & data from faulty scenarios. & is generated. \\~\\
 Sensor fault & Since the data for this method is collected from sensors, & Can be detected through residuals. \\
  & sensor faults are more difficult to be detected. &   \\~\\  
\caption{Comparison of data-based and model-based diagnosis method.}









\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{|l >{\raggedright}X >{\raggedright\arraybackslash}X|}
Comparison & Data-based & Model-based \\
&& \\[-1ex]
Complexity &
  Requires a fair amount of data
  Requires a physical model of the system.
\\[-1ex] && \\
&& \\[-1ex]
Fault detection &
  Diagnosis based on the difference between sensor output under fault-free and faulty cases
  Diagnosis based on output residual of system model and actual system
\\[-1ex] && \\
&& \\[-1ex]
Fault model &
  Fault features discovered based on collected data from faulty scenarios.
  Through structural analysis, signature matrix is generated.
\\[-1ex] && \\
&& \\[-1ex]
Sensor fault &
  Since the data for this method is collected from sensors, 
  sensor faults are more difficult to be detected.
  Can be detected through residuals.
\\[-1ex] && \\

\caption{Comparison of data-based and model-based diagnosis method.}


\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{l >{\raggedright}X >{\raggedright\arraybackslash}X}
Comparison & Data-based & Model-based \\
Complexity &
  Requires a fair amount of data
  Requires a physical model of the system.
\\ \addlinespace
Fault detection &
  Diagnosis based on the difference between sensor output under fault-free and faulty cases
  Diagnosis based on output residual of system model and actual system
\\ \addlinespace
Fault model &
  Fault features discovered based on collected data from faulty scenarios.
  Through structural analysis, signature matrix is generated.
\\ \addlinespace
Sensor fault &
  Since the data for this method is collected from sensors, 
  sensor faults are more difficult to be detected.
  Can be detected through residuals.

\caption{Comparison of data-based and model-based diagnosis method.}







\usepackage[margin=1in,a4paper]{geometry} % choose suitable page parameters

 \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{@{} lLL @{}}
 Comparison & Data-based & Model-based\\
 & Requires a fair amount of data 
 & Requires a physical model of the system\\
 Fault detection 
 & Diagnosis based on the difference between sensor output under fault-free and faulty cases
 & Diagnosis based on output residual of system model and actual system\\
 Fault model 
 & Fault features discovered based on collected data from faulty scenarios
 & Through structural analysis, signature matrix is generated\\
 Sensor fault 
 & Since the data for this method is collected from sensors, sensor faults are more difficult to be detected
 & Can be detected through residuals \\
\caption{Comparison of data-based and model-based diagnosis methods.}




% An entry has a fixed size of 5cm (unless the size is passed as an argument using [<length>]).
\newcommand{\entry}[2][5cm]{\parbox{#1}{\vspace{1em}\centering #2\vspace{1em}}}

            % Row 1 (Header)
            \entry[2.5cm]{Comparison} & % cell 1
            \entry[2.5cm]{Data-based} & % cell 2
            \entry[2.5cm]{Model-based}  % cell 3
            % Row 2
            \entry[2.5cm]{Complexity} &                         % cell 1
            \entry{Requires a fair amount of data} &            % cell 2
            \entry{Requires a physical model of the system.}    % cell 3
            % Row 3
            \entry[2.5cm]{Fault detection} &                        % cell 1
            \entry{Diagnosis based on the difference between sensor
                   output under fault-free and faulty cases} &      % cell 2
            \entry{Diagnosis based on output residual of system
                   model and actual system}                         % cell 3
            % Row 4
            \entry[2.5cm]{Fault model} &                            % cell 1
            \entry{Fault features discovered based on collected
                   data from faulty scenarios} &                    % cell 2
            \entry{Through structural analysis, signature matrix
                   is generated}                                    % cell 3
            % Row 5
            \entry[2.5cm]{Sensor fault} &                                   % cell 1
            \entry{Since the data for this method is collected from sensors,
                   sensor faults are more difficult to be detected} &       % cell 2
            \entry{Can be detected through residuals}                       % cell 3
