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\caption{\textbf{Estimates for the TVTPs and average TVTP in each regime}}



\begin{tabular}{@{} l *{6}{S[table-format=1.3]} @{}}
& \multicolumn{2}{c}{MS-TVTP}
& \multicolumn{2}{c@{}}{MS-DRA-TVTP} \\ 
\cmidrule(l){2-3} \cmidrule(l){4-5}
&  \thead[l]{$S_t = 1$} & \thead[l]{$S_t = 2$} &  \thead[l]{$S_t = 1$} & \thead[l]{$S_t = 2$}  \\
Constant   & $ \bm{7.000} $ & $ \bm{-0.999} $ & \bm{6.223}             & \bm{2.101}  \\
           & (0.112)        & (0.460)         &  (0.134)     & (0.512)     \\
GDP Growth & $ \bm{1.834} $ & $ \bm{-0.626} $ & \bm{1.147}             & \bm{-0.028} \\
           & (0.659)   & (0.277)              & (0.647)             & (0.291)     \\
FFR        & 0.420     & 0.369                & -0.323            & -0.493                  \\
           & (0.602)   & (0.514)              & (0.748) & (0.544)                 \\
CPI Growth & -0.292    & $ \bm{2.000} $       & -0.327            & \bm{1.141}              \\
           & (0.839)   & (0.597)              & (0.760) & (0.612)                 \\
Avg. p_{11}& 0.928     &                      & 0.922             \\
Avg. p_{22}& 0.993     &                      & 0.934              \\

 \item Note: This table reports estimates of the MS-TVTP model. Panel (A) presents estimates for the autoregressive coefficient matrix $\boldsymbol{F}$, vector of means during periods of normal interest rates ($\boldsymbol{\mu}_1$) and low interest rates ($\boldsymbol{\mu}_2$), decay parameter $\lambda$ and average transition probabilities $p_{11}$ and $p_{22}$. Panel (B) presents estimates of the logistic function which is used to compute the time-varying transition probabilities. Bold entries denote parameter estimates significant at the five percent level. Standard errors appear in parentheses.





这是我的建议。我已将其替换$\bm\bfseries(并添加\usepackage{etoolbox} \robustify\bfseries这里讨论),删除了不必要的列并更改了一些设置。我还从标题中siunitx删除了命令,而改用了包中的命令。最后,我还注释掉了一些更改大小和空格的命令(和),因为即使没有它们,表格也能完美地适应文本宽度。 textbf\captionsetupcaption\scriptsize\tabcolsep


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\caption{Estimates for the TVTPs and average TVTP in each regime}



\begin{tabular}{@{} l *{4}{S[table-format=-1.4]} @{}}
& \multicolumn{2}{c}{MS-TVTP} & \multicolumn{2}{c@{}}{MS-DRA-TVTP} \\ 
\cmidrule(r){2-3} \cmidrule(l){4-5}
&  {\thead[l]{$S_t = 1$}} & {\thead[l]{$S_t = 2$}} &  {\thead[l]{$S_t = 1$}} & {\thead[l]{$S_t = 2$}}  \\
Constant   & \bfseries 7.000 & \bfseries -0.999 & \bfseries 6.223            & \bfseries 2.101  \\
           & (0.112)        & (0.460)         &  (0.134)     & (0.512)     \\
GDP Growth & \bfseries 1.834 & \bfseries -0.626 & \bfseries 1.147             & \bfseries -0.028 \\
           & (0.659)   & (0.277)              & (0.647)             & (0.291)     \\
FFR        & 0.420     & 0.369                & -0.323            & -0.493                  \\
           & (0.602)   & (0.514)              & (0.748) & (0.544)                 \\
CPI Growth & -0.292    & \bfseries 2.000       & -0.327            & \bfseries 1.141              \\
           & (0.839)   & (0.597)              & (0.760) & (0.612)                 \\
Avg. p\textsubscript{11}& 0.928     &                      & 0.922             \\
Avg. p\textsubscript{22}& 0.993     &                      & 0.934              \\

\item Note: This table reports estimates of the MS-TVTP model. Panel (A) presents estimates for the autoregressive coefficient matrix $\boldsymbol{F}$, vector of means during periods of normal interest rates ($\boldsymbol{\mu}_1$) and low interest rates ($\boldsymbol{\mu}_2$), decay parameter $\lambda$ and average transition probabilities $p_{11}$ and $p_{22}$. Panel (B) presents estimates of the logistic function which is used to compute the time-varying transition probabilities. Bold entries denote parameter estimates significant at the five percent level. Standard errors appear in parentheses.


