% The main nodes
\node[minimum height=1.5cm,minimum width=2cm,text centered,draw] (a) {Traning};
\node[minimum height=1.5cm,minimum width=2cm,text centered,draw,right=2cm of a] (b) {Prediction};
% The arrow in the middle
\draw[->] (a)--(b) node[midway,above,align=center,font=\footnotesize] (mid) {Model\\Parameter};
% The ellipse node at the bottom needs `shapes' library
\node[below=1.5cm of mid,ellipse,draw] (mod) {Model};
\draw[->] (mod) -| (a); % Read https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/481195/156344
\draw[->] (mod) -| (b); %
% The outside arrows: take care of the direction of the arrow
% Read more in https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/66094/156344
\draw[<-] (a.west) -- ++ (-1,0) node[left,align=center,font=\footnotesize] {Ground\\Truth};
\draw[->] (b.east) -- ++ (1,0) node[right,font=\footnotesize] {Prediction};
\draw[<-] (a.north) -- ++ (0,1) node[above] {Observation};
\draw[<-] (b.north) -- ++ (0,1) node[above] {Observation};
enter image description here
efit/.style={ellipse,draw,thick,minimum width=3cm,minimum
\path node (F) {Features}
node[efit=(F)] (EF){} coordinate[left=2cm of EF] (cL)
node[right=3.5cm of EF,draw=vio,dashed,ellipse] (M) {Model}
node[efit=(M)] (FM){} coordinate[right=2cm of FM] (cR)
coordinate[above=6mm of FM] (cC)
coordinate[below=6mm of FM] (cD)
node[below=2cm of M,vio] (L) {Learning\\Algorithm}
node[efit=(L),vio] (FL){} coordinate[left=2.5cm of FL] (cB)
coordinate[below=6mm of FL] (cA);
\draw[thick,->] (cL) -- node[above] {Domain} node[below] {obects}(EF);
\draw[thick,->] (FM) -- node[above] (O){Output} (cR);
\draw[thick,->] (EF) -- node[above] (D){Data} (FM);
\draw[thick,->,vio] (cB) -- node[above] {Training data} (FL);
\draw[thick,->,vio] (FL) -- (M);
\begin{scope}[on background layer]
\node[fit=(cB)(FL)(FM)(cA),densely dashed,draw,vio,
label={[anchor=south west,vio]south west:\emph{Learning problem}}]{};
\node[fit=(O)(D)(cC)(cD),densely dashed,draw,red,
label={[anchor=north west,red]north west:\emph{Task}}]{};