

我正在尝试在 Latex 中复制这些图表(Samuelson 规则)。我不明白如何计算图形的交集以及如何绘制两个图表之间的链接。这是我迄今为止的结果。

\begin{tikzpicture}[domain=0:6, range=4:5, thick] 

\draw [->] (0,0) -- (0,\lengthYaxis) node[above] {$\pmb{x,\textcolor{cyan}{x_2}}$}; 
\draw [->] (0,0) -- (\lengthXaxis,0) node[right] {$\pmb{\textcolor{green}{y}}$}; 

\draw [name path global=f1a] (\radiusArcFigureOne,0) 
       arc [ 
          start angle=0, 
          end angle=90, 
          x radius=\radiusArcFigureOne, 
          y radius=(3*\radiusArcFigureOne/4)-2mm 
\draw[name path global=f1b, thick, color=purple, domain=2.5:8, shift={(-2,.7)}] 
       plot (\x,{25*exp(-.7*\x-.25)+.7}) node[right] {$\bar{u}_2$} 

\draw [->, name path global=f2xline] (0,0) -- (\lengthXaxis,0) node[right] {$\pmb{y}$}; 

\draw [->] (0,0) -- (0,\lengthYaxis) node[above] {$\pmb{x_1}$}; 

\draw[name path global=f5, thick, color=cyan, domain=4:8, shift={(-2,-.067)}] 
       plot (\x,{15*exp(-.5*\x-.35)+.75}) node[right] {$u^{\ast}_1$};

\draw [->] (0,0) -- (0,\lengthYaxis) node[above] {$\pmb{x_2}$}; 

\draw [->, name path global=f3xline] (0,0) -- (\lengthXaxis,0) node[right] {$\pmb{y}$}; 

\draw[name path global=f3a, thick, color=purple, domain=3:5.5, shift={(-.5,-.4)}] 
       plot (\x,{25*exp(-.7*\x-.25)+.7}); 
\draw[name path global=f3b, thick, color=purple, domain=3:5.5, shift={(-1.5,-.4)}] 
       plot (\x,{25*exp(-.7*\x-.25)+.7});   
\draw[name path global=f3c, thick, color=purple, domain=3:5.5, shift={(.5,-.4)}] 
       plot (\x,{25*exp(-.7*\x-.25)+.7});   

\path [name intersections={of=f1a and f1b, by={is f1 left, is f1 right}}];

\path [name path=left vline]% vertical line 
       (is f1 left) -- 
       (is f1 left|-current bounding box.south) 

\path [name intersections={of=f2xline and left vline, by=is f2xline left vline}]; 

\draw [dotted] (is f1 left) -- (is f2xline left vline); 

\path [name path=right vline]% s.o. 
       (is f1 right) -- 
       (is f1 right|-current bounding box.south) 

\path [name intersections={of=f2xline and right vline, by=is f2xline right vline}]; 

\draw [dotted] (is f1 right) -- (is f2xline right vline); 

\draw [name path global=f6] let 
\p1 = ($ (is f2xline left vline) - (is f2xline right vline) $), 
\n2 = {veclen(\x1,\y1)/2} 
(is f2xline right vline) 

arc [start angle=0, end angle=180, x radius=\n2, y radius=2*\n2/3] 

\path [name intersections={of=f5 and f6, by=f6}];


它应该看起来像这样 在此处输入图片描述



\begin{tikzpicture}[domain=0:6, range=4:5, thick] 

\draw [->] (0,0) -- (0,\lengthYaxis) node[above] {$\pmb{x,\textcolor{cyan}{x_2}}$}; 
\draw [->] (0,0) -- (\lengthXaxis,0) node[right] {$\pmb{\textcolor{green}{y}}$}; 

\draw [name path global=f1a] (\radiusArcFigureOne,0) 
       arc [ 
          start angle=0, 
          end angle=90, 
          x radius=\radiusArcFigureOne, 
          y radius=(3*\radiusArcFigureOne/4)-2mm 
\draw[name path global=f1b, thick, color=purple, domain=2.5:8, shift={(-2,.7)}] 
       plot (\x,{25*exp(-.7*\x-.25)+.7}) node[right] {$\bar{u}_2$} 

\draw [->, name path global=f2xline] (0,0) -- (\lengthXaxis,0) node[right] {$\pmb{y}$}; 

\draw [->] (0,0) -- (0,\lengthYaxis) node[above] {$\pmb{x_1}$}; 

\draw[name path global=f5, thick, color=cyan, domain=4:8, shift={(-2,-.067)}] 
       plot (\x,{15*exp(-.5*\x-.35)+.75}) node[right] {$u^{\ast}_1$};

\draw [->] (0,0) -- (0,\lengthYaxis) node[above] {$\pmb{x_2}$}; 

\draw [->, name path global=f3xline] (0,0) -- (\lengthXaxis,0) node[right] {$\pmb{y}$}; 

\draw[name path global=f3a, thick, color=purple, domain=3:5.5, shift={(-.5,-.4)}] 
       plot (\x,{25*exp(-.7*\x-.25)+.7}); 
\draw[name path global=f3b, thick, color=purple, domain=3:5.5, shift={(-1.5,-.4)}] 
       plot (\x,{25*exp(-.7*\x-.25)+.7});   
\draw[name path global=f3c, thick, color=purple, domain=3:5.5, shift={(.5,-.4)}] 
       plot (\x,{25*exp(-.7*\x-.25)+.7});   

\path [name intersections={of=f1a and f1b, by={is f1 left, is f1 right}}];

\path [name path=left vline]% vertical line 
       (is f1 left) -- 
       (is f1 left|-current bounding box.south) 

\path [name intersections={of=f2xline and left vline, by=is f2xline left vline}]; 

\draw [dotted] (is f1 left) -- (is f2xline left vline); 

\path [name path=right vline]% s.o. 
       (is f1 right) -- 
       (is f1 right|-current bounding box.south) 

\path [name intersections={of=f2xline and right vline, by=is f2xline right vline}]; 

\draw [dotted] (is f1 right) -- (is f2xline right vline); 

\draw [name path global=f6] let 
\p1 = ($ (is f2xline left vline) - (is f2xline right vline) $), 
\n2 = {veclen(\x1,\y1)/2} 
(is f2xline right vline) 
arc [start angle=0, end angle=180, x radius=\n2, y radius=2*\n2/3] 
coordinate[midway] (j1); 

\path [name intersections={of=f5 and f6, by=i1,total=\t}];
\path [name path=iline]% s.o. 
       (i1|-current bounding box.north) -- 
       (i1|-current bounding box.south) ;

\path [name intersections={of=f1a and iline, by=i2},
name intersections={of=f1b and iline, by=i3},
name intersections={of=f3a and iline, by=i4}];
\draw [dotted] (i2|-0,-12) |- (i2-|0,0)
foreach \X in {1,3,4} {(i\X) -- (i\X-|0,0)};

\path [name path=jline]% s.o. 
       (j1|-current bounding box.north) -- 
       (j1|-current bounding box.south) ;
\path [name intersections={of=f1b and jline, by=j2}];
\draw [dotted] (j2|-0,-6) |- (j2-|0,0);  

