

是否可以将下面 MWE 中第 2 和第 5 个脚注中的脚注符号从数字更改为星号、匕首等?换句话说,是否可以对特定脚注使用非数字脚注符号?

\setuplayout [height=10cm]
    First sentence.\footnote{This is a footnote given with the number 1.}
    Second sentence.\footnote{This footnote should be given with an asterisk, but it isn't.}  
    Third sentence.\footnote{This footnote should be given with the number 2, but it isn't.}
    Fourth sentence.\footnote{This footnote should be given with the number 3, but it isn't.}
    Fifth sentece.\footnote{This footnote should be given with a dagger, but it isn't.}


我在 ConTeXt 邮件列表中提出了这个问题( 汉斯·哈根 (Hans Hagen) 很快给出了答案:) 这是我得到的答案,略作修改:






    This is the first sentence with a footnote.\footnote{This is the first footnote and its mark is "1".}
    This is the second sentence with a footnote.\symfootnote{This is the second footnote and its mark is "a". }
    This is the third sentence with a footnote.\footnote{This is the third footnote and its mark is "2". }
    This is the fourth sentence with a footnote.\footnote{This is the fourth footnote and its mark is "3". }
    This is the fifth sentence with a footnote.\symfootnote{This is the fifth footnote and its mark is "b". }

除了定义自定义转换(上例中的“mymix”),我们还可以使用预定义转换“set 2”,它为我们提供了星号、匕首等,如下所示:




    numberconversion=set 2,

  This is the first sentence with a footnote.\footnote{This is the  first footnote and its mark is "1".}
  This is the second sentence with a footnote.\symfootnote{This is  the second footnote and its mark is "∗". }
  This is the third sentence with a footnote.\footnote{This is the  third footnote and its mark is "2". }
  This is the fourth sentence with a footnote.\footnote{This is the fourth footnote and its mark is "3". }
  This is the fifth sentence with a footnote.\symfootnote{This is the fifth footnote and its mark is "†". }

