我是使用 LaTeX 编写算法的初学者algorithm2e
请注意,我在 LaTeX 序言中也包含了以下命令,请参阅行号
\begin{algorithm} [H]
\caption{QL algorithm}
Initialize Q-table values (Q(s, a)) arbitrarily\
Initialize a state(s_t)\
Repeat Step 4 to 6 until learning period ends\
Choose an action (a_t) for the current state (s_t) using an exploratory policy\
Take action (a_t) and observe the new state (s_t+1) and reward (r_t+1)\
Update Q-value\
。具体来说,您需要用 来表示行尾\;
。还可以考虑使用标签 ( \nllabel
) 和\ref
\caption{QL algorithm}
Initialize $Q$-table values $(Q(s, a))$ arbitrarily\;
Initialize a state $(s_t)$\;
Repeat Steps~\ref{alg:step_4} to~\ref{alg:step_6} until learning period ends\;
Choose an action $(a_t)$ for the current state $(s_t)$ using an exploratory policy\; \nllabel{alg:step_4}
Take action $(a_t)$ and observe the new state $(s_t + 1)$ and reward $(r_t + 1)$\;
Update $Q$-value\; \nllabel{alg:step_6}