matrix of nodes
这是使用第一条“线”的一种可能性。是Timatrix of nodes
钾Z 库。我让你添加西里尔字符,因为我不擅长这个领域。;-)
\usetikzlibrary{matrix, positioning}
% Use the 'text depth' key to tune the depth of the matrix
% nodes, and thus where the arrow tips arrive.
\matrix (mymat) [matrix of nodes, column sep=0.2em, nodes={text depth=3ex}]
Just & data & \guillemotright\guillemotright\guillemotright
& |(diff)|\Huge \textbf{Difficult} & |(easy)| \LARGE\textit{Easy}
& |(data)|data\\
\begin{scope}[every node/.append style={outer ysep=0.2ex, align=center}]
\node (some) [below right=1cm and 0.5cm of diff.south]
{Some\\ \textcolor{red!80!black}{text}};
\node (other) [below=1cm of data]
{\textcolor{red!80!black}{Other}\\ text};
\begin{scope}[every path/.append style={draw, -latex}]
\path (some) -- (diff);
\path (some) -- (easy);
\path (other) -- (data);