\usepackage{polyglossia} 和参考书目格式问题

\usepackage{polyglossia} 和参考书目格式问题

\usepackage[greek, UKenglish]{babel}你好,这是我从 切换到后遇到的一个问题的 MWE,\usepackage{polyglossia}如下所示。

\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt ]{report}
\usepackage[style=bath, backend=biber]{biblatex}


urlfrom = {available at},

\DeclareFieldFormat{urldate} . 

   hello world \parencite{barth_church_2001}


Barth, K. (2001)。教会教义:创造论。由 G. Bromiley 和 TF Torrance 编辑(H. Knight、G. Bromiley、JKS Reid 和 RH Fuller 译)。第 III.2 卷。爱丁堡:T & T Clark。[在线]。可访问以下网站:https://books.google.co.uk/


Barth, K. (2001)。教会教义:创造论。G. Bromiley 和 TF Torrance 编(H. Knight、G. Bromiley、JKS Reid 和 RH Fuller 译)。第 III.2 卷。爱丁堡:T & T Clark。在线的. 可从以下网址获取:https://books.google.co.uk/



    location = {Edinburgh},
    title = {Church Dogmatics: The Doctrine of Creation},
    volume = {{III}.2},
    url = {https://books.google.co.uk/},
    publisher = {T \& T Clark},
    author = {Barth, Karl},
    editor = {Bromiley, G.W. and Torrance, T F},
    translator = {Knight, H and Bromiley, G.W. and Reid, J K S and Fuller, R H},
    date = {2001},



如果您想要使用polyglossia并且biblatex需要一个最新的系统,biblatex则应为 3.14 或更高版本(因此 Biber 需要为 v2.14 或更高版本)和polyglossiav1.46 或更高版本。

使用完全更新的 MikTeX 系统,稍微修改后的 MWE

\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{report}
\usepackage[style=bath, backend=biber]{biblatex}



  urlfrom = {available at},


  location   = {Edinburgh},
  title      = {Church Dogmatics: The Doctrine of Creation},
  volume     = {{III}.2},
  url        = {https://books.google.co.uk/},
  publisher  = {T \& T Clark},
  author     = {Barth, Karl},
  editor     = {Bromiley, G. W. and Torrance, T. F.},
  translator = {Knight, H. and Bromiley, G. W. and Reid, J. K. S. and Fuller, R. H.},
  date       = {2001},

  hello world \parencite{barth_church_2001}



Barth, K. (2001)。教会教义:创造论。由 GW Bromiley 和 TF Torrance 编(H. Knight、GW Bromiley、JKS Reid 和 RH Fuller 译)。第 III.2 卷。爱丁堡:T & T Clark。[在线]。可访问以下网站:https://books.google.co.uk/

