


我正在尝试解决的问题: 我的spath3提供在定义 TikZ 路径后保存该路径的功能。目标是保存的路径应该与绘制的路径相同,因此任何改变路径实际形状的样式都应在保存之前应用。然后,当使用路径时,只应应用影响其渲染的样式。困难在于箭头:箭头本身是样式,所以在保存路径时不应该应用,但箭头的位置会改变路径,所以应该应用。理想情况下,我需要将渲染箭头从其放置。不幸的是,处理路径缩短的代码在 PGF 核心中埋藏得很深,很难访问。






% After \pgf@arrow@compute@shortening then \pgf@xa is the amount to
% shorten the line by, so we will be setting that to 0pt; while
% \pgf@xb is the length of the arrow head so is used to position the
% arrow and so before zeroing \pgf@xa we subtract it from \pgf@xb so
% that the arrow is placed so that its back point is at the current
% position.
  \advance\pgf@xb by -\pgf@xa%

  spath/disable arrow shortening/.code={%


\begin{tikzpicture}[>=Latex, line width=5pt]
% Just a simple line
\draw (0,1) -- +(5,0);
% Same line but with arrows, also save the path
\draw[->.>, spath/save=arrow] (0,0) -- +(5,0);
% Let's redraw that path without the arrows - it's short!
% So if we redraw it with arrows it gets doubly shortened
% If we disable the shortening, the arrows end up in the right place
\draw[->.>,spath/use={arrow,transform={yshift=-3cm}}, spath/disable arrow shortening];

\begin{tikzpicture}[>=Latex, line width=5pt]
% Just a simple line
\draw (0,1) to[bend left] +(5,0);
% Same line but with arrows, also save the path
\draw[->.>, spath/save=arrow] (0,0) to[bend left] +(5,0);
% Let's redraw that path without the arrows - it's short! But also distorted
% So if we redraw it with arrows it gets doubly shortened
% If we disable the shortening, the arrows end up in the right place
\draw[->.>,spath/use={arrow,transform={yshift=-3cm}}, spath/disable arrow shortening];











% After \pgf@arrow@compute@shortening then \pgf@xa is the amount to
% shorten the line by, so we will be setting that to 0pt; while
% \pgf@xb is the length of the arrow head so is used to position the
% arrow and so before zeroing \pgf@xa we subtract it from \pgf@xb so
% that the arrow is placed so that its back point is at the current
% position.
  \advance\pgf@xb by -\pgf@xa%

  spath/disable arrow shortening/.code={%


\begin{tikzpicture}[>=Latex, line width=5pt]
% Just a simple line
\draw (0,1) -- ++(1,0);
% Same line but with arrows, also save the path
\draw[->.>, spath/save=arrow] (0,0) -- +(1,0);
% Let's redraw that path without the arrows - it's short! But also distorted
% So if we redraw it with arrows it gets doubly shortened
% If we disable the shortening, the arrows end up in the right place
\draw[->.>,spath/use={arrow,transform={yshift=-3cm}}, spath/disable arrow shortening];








% After \pgf@arrow@compute@shortening then \pgf@xa is the amount to
% shorten the line by, so we will be setting that to 0pt; while
% \pgf@xb is the length of the arrow head so is used to position the
% arrow and so before zeroing \pgf@xa we subtract it from \pgf@xb so
% that the arrow is placed so that its back point is at the current
% position.
  \advance\pgf@xb by -\pgf@xa%

  spath/disable arrow shortening/.code={%


\begin{tikzpicture}[>=Latex, line width=5pt]
% Just a simple line
\draw (0,1) plot (\x,1);
% Same line but with arrows, also save the path
\draw[->.>, spath/save=arrow] (0,0) plot (\x,0);
% Let's redraw that path without the arrows - it's short! But also distorted
% So if we redraw it with arrows it gets doubly shortened
% If we disable the shortening, the arrows end up in the right place
\draw[->.>,spath/use={arrow,transform={yshift=-3cm}}, spath/disable arrow shortening];








% After \pgf@arrow@compute@shortening then \pgf@xa is the amount to
% shorten the line by, so we will be setting that to 0pt; while
% \pgf@xb is the length of the arrow head so is used to position the
% arrow and so before zeroing \pgf@xa we subtract it from \pgf@xb so
% that the arrow is placed so that its back point is at the current
% position.
  \advance\pgf@xb by -\pgf@xa%

  spath/disable arrow shortening/.code={%


\begin{tikzpicture}[>=Latex, line width=5pt]
% Just a simple line
\draw (0,1) arc[start angle=270, end angle=300, radius=8];
% Same line but with arrows, also save the path
\draw[->.>, spath/save=arrow] (0,0) arc[start angle=270, end angle=300, radius=8];
% Let's redraw that path without the arrows - it's short! But also distorted
% So if we redraw it with arrows it gets doubly shortened
% If we disable the shortening, the arrows end up in the right place
\draw[->.>,spath/use={arrow,transform={yshift=-3cm}}, spath/disable arrow shortening];



