回忆录页注(尾注)的 id 都是一样的

回忆录页注(尾注)的 id 都是一样的

我正在使用 memoir 包,特别是 memoir 的 endnote 功能(称为 pagenote 以避免命名冲突)创建文档。文档完成后,将为一年中的每一天添加一个条目。我正在使用 texdate 包自动生成日期字符串(两种不同的格式)。

为了方便读者阅读,我希望每个尾注的标签(或 ID)都是日期字符串(例如,1 月 1 日),而不仅仅是连续的整数。问题是(似乎)直到尾注页面写完后才会评估日期字符串,结果所有尾注条目都标记了相同的日期。


% pagenoteMWE.tex

% begin preamble       *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *


% The following is required in the preamble for using memoir's pagenote (endnote) capability

\renewcommand*{\idtextinnotes}[1]{#1\space}  % remove square brackets surrounding note id

% Create named date formats for texdate package
\nameddateformat{monthandday}{B e}   % January 5
\nameddateformat{monandday}{b e}     % Jan 5

% Custom command for using memoir's \pagenote command
\newcommand{\mypagenote}[2]{\small\pagenote[\hbox to 0.6in{#1\hfill}]{\small#2}}
% end preamble    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *

\title{A Passage for Each Day of the Year}

\initdate{2024}{12}{31}    % initializes texdate's date


%-- Jan01 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
\advancebydays{1} \begin{center} \Large \printfdate{monthandday}\par \end{center} \par\noindent
I do not doubt she had a choice pleasure in exhibiting what she called her
self-command, and her firmness, and her strength of mind, and her common sense
and the whole diabolical catalogue of her unamiable qualities, on such an
\mypagenote{\small\printfdate{monandday}}{David Copperfield recalling his
interaction with the vile Miss Murdstone upon returning from school to his home
upon the death of his mother.}
%-- Jan02 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
\advancebydays{1} \begin{center} \Large \printfdate{monthandday}\par \end{center} \par\noindent
In the hierarchy of post-Civil War times was Mrs.\ Hamilton Fish, whose husband
became Secretary of State in Grant's Cabinet; she belonged to what was called
``the Faubourg St.\ Germain set'' of New York--families entrenched since
Colonial days in wealth and civic eminence, who could afford to live in
tarnished magnificence on outmoded Second Avenue, while ``swells'' eddied like
moths toward the luster of Fifth Avenue.
\mypagenote{\small\printfdate{monandday}}{Dixon Wecter, \emph{The Saga of
American Society: A Record of Social Aspiration, 1607-1937}, New York: Charles
Scribner's Sons, 1937.}





% pagenoteMWE.tex

% begin preamble       *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *


% The following is required in the preamble for using memoir's pagenote (endnote) capability

\renewcommand*{\idtextinnotes}[1]{#1\space}  % remove square brackets surrounding note id

% Create named date formats for texdate package
\nameddateformat{monthandday}{B\ e}   % January 5
\nameddateformat{monandday}{b\ e}     % Jan 5

% Custom command for using memoir's \pagenote command
% end preamble    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *


\title{A Passage for Each Day of the Year}

\initdate{2024}{12}{31}    % initializes texdate's date


%-- Jan01 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
\advancebydays{1} \begin{center} \Large \printfdate{monthandday}\par \end{center} \par\noindent
I do not doubt she had a choice pleasure in exhibiting what she called her
self-command, and her firmness, and her strength of mind, and her common sense
and the whole diabolical catalogue of her unamiable qualities, on such an
\mypagenote{\printfdate{monandday}}{David Copperfield recalling his
interaction with the vile Miss Murdstone upon returning from school to his home
upon the death of his mother.}
%-- Jan02 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
\advancebydays{1} \begin{center} \Large \printfdate{monthandday}\par \end{center} \par\noindent
In the hierarchy of post-Civil War times was Mrs.\ Hamilton Fish, whose husband
became Secretary of State in Grant's Cabinet; she belonged to what was called
``the Faubourg St.\ Germain set'' of New York--families entrenched since
Colonial days in wealth and civic eminence, who could afford to live in
tarnished magnificence on outmoded Second Avenue, while ``swells'' eddied like
moths toward the luster of Fifth Avenue.
\mypagenote{\printfdate{monandday}}{Dixon Wecter, \emph{The Saga of
American Society: A Record of Social Aspiration, 1607-1937}, New York: Charles
Scribner's Sons, 1937.}




注意格式说明的变化,B\ e因此b\ e月份和日期之间会出现一个空格。





  • \passage[<integer>]开始新条目。如果使用可选参数,日期将为<integer>前一个日期之后(或之前)的几天。如果<integer>省略,则1使用的值,即第二天。

    • 这将创建标题并适当地设置日期计数器,因此应该可以直接在一个地方调整整个文档的格式。
  • \mypagenote{<text>}<text>使用当前日期为标签和正文创建页面注释。

    • 如果需要,可以提供一个可选参数来覆盖标签的默认内容。根据您的描述,这似乎没有必要,但添加起来很容易。



% ateb: https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/714287/ addaswyd o gwestiwn Paul Dulaney: https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/714093/
% BEGIN preamble       *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *


% The following is required in the preamble for using memoir's pagenote (endnote) capability

\renewcommand*{\idtextinnotes}[1]{#1\space}  % remove square brackets surrounding note id

\cs_new_protected:Nn \pedy_mypagenote:nn
  \pagenote [ \hbox to 0.6in {\setdatebynumber { #1 }  \myshortmonthname { \thedatemonth } ~ \thedateday   \hfill } ]{ \small #2 }
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \pedy_mypagenote:nn { en }
\cs_new_protected:Npn \mypagenote #1
  \pedy_mypagenote:en { \thedatenumber } { #1 }
% modified from datenumberenglish.ldf
\cs_new_protected_nopar:Nn \pedy_shortmonthnameenglish:n 
  \int_case:nn { #1 }
    { 1 } { Jan }
    { 2 } { Feb }
    { 3 } { Mar }
    { 4 } { Apr }
    { 5 } { May }
    { 6 } { Jun }
    { 7 } { Jul }
    { 8 } { Aug }
    { 9 } { Sep }
    { 10 } { Oct }
    { 11 } { Nov }
    { 12 } { Dec }
\cs_new_eq:NN \myshortmonthname \pedy_shortmonthnameenglish:n
\NewDocumentCommand \passage { O {1} }
    \datemonthname{} \thedateday{}
% END preamble    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *

\title{A Passage for Each Day of the Year}



%-- Jan01 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
\passage % or \passage[<n>] to advance by <n> days
I do not doubt she had a choice pleasure in exhibiting what she called her
self-command, and her firmness, and her strength of mind, and her common sense
and the whole diabolical catalogue of her unamiable qualities, on such an
  David Copperfield recalling his
  interaction with the vile Miss Murdstone upon returning from school to his home
  upon the death of his mother.%

%-- Jan02 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
In the hierarchy of post-Civil War times was Mrs.\ Hamilton Fish, whose husband
became Secretary of State in Grant's Cabinet; she belonged to what was called
``the Faubourg St.\ Germain set'' of New York--families entrenched since
Colonial days in wealth and civic eminence, who could afford to live in
tarnished magnificence on outmoded Second Avenue, while ``swells'' eddied like
moths toward the luster of Fifth Avenue.
  Dixon Wecter, \emph{The Saga of
    American Society: A Record of Social Aspiration, 1607-1937}, New York: Charles
  Scribner's Sons, 1937.%

%-- Jan10
Something later.
  Test skipping dates works.%


