Hyper-V 客户机的 W32Time 同步问题(W32Time 事件 ID 38、24、29、35)

Hyper-V 客户机的 W32Time 同步问题(W32Time 事件 ID 38、24、29、35)

在域环境中运行 Hyper-V 的 Windows 客户机上,我注意到 Windows 时间服务出现问题。我定期在系统日志中收到以下三条消息。

Event Type: Information
Event Source:   W32Time
Event Category: None
Event ID:   38
Date:       6/11/2009
Time:       12:26:15 PM
User:       N/A
The time provider NtpClient cannot reach or is currently receiving invalid time data from xxx.xxx.xxx (ntp.d|a.b.x.y:123->a.b.x.z:123).

Event Type: Warning
Event Source:   W32Time
Event Category: None
Event ID:   24
Date:       6/11/2009
Time:       12:42:47 PM
User:       N/A
Time Provider NtpClient: No valid response has been received from domain controller xxx.xx.xxxx after 8 attempts to contact it. This domain controller will be discarded as a time source and NtpClient will attempt to discover a  new domain controller from which to synchronize.

Event Type: Error
Event Source:   W32Time
Event Category: None
Event ID:   29
Date:       6/11/2009
Time:       12:42:47 PM
User:       N/A
The time provider NtpClient is configured to acquire time from one or more time sources, however none of the sources are currently accessible.  No attempt to contact a source will be made for 15 minutes. NtpClient has no source of accurate time. 

重新启动 Windows 时间服务后,它将成功与域控制器同步(事件 ID 37),但随后我注意到服务器还有另一次同步尝试:

Event Type: Information
Event Source:   W32Time
Event Category: None
Event ID:   35
Date:       6/11/2009
Time:       1:04:30 PM
User:       N/A
The time service is now synchronizing the system time with the time source VM IC Time Synchronization Provider.

最终结果是 W32Time 无法像成员服务器默认的那样与域控制器正确同步。所有其他服务器和工作站都与域控制器正确同步。


解决方法是禁用时间同步在 Hyper-V 中集成服务为每个客户机。然后在客户机上重新启动 Windows 时间服务。然后客户机将正确地与域控制器同步。

此过程对于虚拟化域控制器至关重要,因为它们为所有客户端提供时间。请记住,具有 PDC 仿真器角色的域控制器应配置外部 NTP 时间源(使用w32tm命令行)。

有关为 Windows 时间配置外部 NTP 时间源的信息,请参阅这个答案
