Crontab 失败,但日志中没有任何错误

Crontab 失败,但日志中没有任何错误

我设置了以下 crontab,以便在服务器崩溃时自动启动服务器(如果服务器已经在运行,则“start”无效):

root@www:/home/admin# crontab -l

*/10 * * * * /var/foo/live/foo25/bin/liveinstance1 start >> /dev/null 2>&1
# */10 * * * * /var/foo/live/foo25/bin/liveinstance2 start >> /dev/null 2>&1
*/10 * * * * /var/foo/live/foo25/bin/livezeoserver start >> /dev/null 2>&1


当以该用户身份单独输入这些命令时,它们工作正常。但是,当服务器崩溃时,这个 cron 作业似乎永远不会启动它。

cron 日志显示服务器停机期间没有出现任何异常(至少在我这个新手看来没有):

Aug 26 09:28:01 www /USR/SBIN/CRON[27005]: (root) CMD (   cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)
Aug 26 09:30:01 www /USR/SBIN/CRON[27023]: (root) CMD (/var/foo/live/foo25/bin/livezeoserver start >> /dev/null 2>&1)
Aug 26 09:30:01 www /USR/SBIN/CRON[27026]: (root) CMD (/var/foo/live/foo25/bin/liveinstance1 start >> /dev/null 2>&1)
Aug 26 09:40:01 www /USR/SBIN/CRON[27126]: (root) CMD (/var/foo/live/foo25/bin/livezeoserver start >> /dev/null 2>&1)
Aug 26 09:40:01 www /USR/SBIN/CRON[27129]: (root) CMD (/var/foo/live/foo25/bin/liveinstance1 start >> /dev/null 2>&1)



我建议你采用另一种方式来照顾失败的服务:普斯蒙。这是一个用 Perl 编写的小型守护进程,具有 Apache 风格的配置文件。它允许您定义各种条件,从确保进程处于活动状态到进程消耗过多 RAM/CPU 时重新启动。重新启动将比当前 cron 可能延迟 10 分钟更快发生。



Ubuntu 使用暴发户控制守护进程。请参阅man 5 init。 这里有一个社区 HowTo和一个维基百科条目




将 crontab 中的行更改为如下所示(或您在其中编写脚本的任何 shell):

*/10 * * * * /bin/bash /var/foo/live/foo25/bin/liveinstance1 start >> /dev/null 2>&1

另外,您需要将您的路径添加到 crontab,运行此脚本:

# Date: August 22, 2013
# Author: Steve Stonebraker
# File:
# Description: Add current user's shell and path to crontab
# Source:
# Github:

# function that is called when the script exits (cleans up our tmp.cron file)
function finish { [ -e "tmp.cron" ] && rm tmp.cron; }

#whenver the script exits call the function "finish"
trap finish EXIT

# pretty printing functions
function print_status { echo -e "\x1B[01;34m[*]\x1B[0m $1"; }
function print_good { echo -e "\x1B[01;32m[*]\x1B[0m $1"; }
function print_error { echo -e "\x1B[01;31m[*]\x1B[0m $1"; }
function print_notification { echo -e "\x1B[01;33m[*]\x1B[0m $1"; }
function printline { 
  printf '%s\n' "${hr:0:${COLUMNS:-$(tput cols)}}"
# print message and exit program
function die { print_error "$1"; exit 1; }

# user must have at least one job in their crontab
function require_gt1_user_crontab_job {
        crontab -l &> /dev/null
        [ $? -ne 0 ] && die "Script requires you have at least one user crontab job!"

# Add current shell and path to user's crontab
function add_shell_path_to_crontab {
    #print info about what's being added
    print_notification "Current SHELL: ${SHELL}"
    print_notification "Current PATH: ${PATH}"

    #Add current shell and path to crontab
    print_status "Adding current SHELL and PATH to crontab \nold crontab:"

    printline; crontab -l; printline

    #keep old comments but start new crontab file
    crontab -l | grep "^#" > tmp.cron

    #Add our current shell and path to the new crontab file
    echo -e "SHELL=${SHELL}\nPATH=${PATH}\n" >> tmp.cron 

    #Add old crontab entries but ignore comments or any shell or path statements
    crontab -l | grep -v "^#" | grep -v "SHELL" | grep -v "PATH" >> tmp.cron

    #load up the new crontab we just created
    crontab tmp.cron

    #Display new crontab
    print_good "New crontab:"
    printline; crontab -l; printline

