在指向另一个域的 CNAME 查找的附加部分中返回根名称服务器是否配置不当?特别是我看到的是由 Network Solutions 托管的 CNAME,该 CNAME 指向不同的域和 TLD。
我问这是否是糟糕的配置,因为所有这些额外的记录导致超出 UDP 数据包的大小,迫使使用 TCP 重新进行查询。
dig www.unitedstatesartists.org +trace
example.org. 86400 IN NS ns15.worldnic.com.
example.org. 86400 IN NS ns16.worldnic.com.
;; Received 95 bytes from in 79 ms
;; Warning: Message parser reports malformed message packet.
;; Truncated, retrying in TCP mode.
www.example.org. 7200 IN CNAME load-01-123.us-west-1.elb.amazonaws.com.
. 518400 IN NS a.root-servers.net.
. 518400 IN NS b.root-servers.net.
. 518400 IN NS c.root-servers.net.
. 518400 IN NS d.root-servers.net.
. 518400 IN NS e.root-servers.net.
. 518400 IN NS f.root-servers.net.
. 518400 IN NS g.root-servers.net.
. 518400 IN NS h.root-servers.net.
. 518400 IN NS i.root-servers.net.
. 518400 IN NS j.root-servers.net.
. 518400 IN NS k.root-servers.net.
. 518400 IN NS l.root-servers.net.
. 518400 IN NS m.root-servers.net.
;; Received 526 bytes from in 173 ms
返回附加记录与否是随机的。有时,当他们不返回附加记录时,仍然会出现截断响应并在 TCP 中进行挖掘重试。
example.org. 86400 IN NS ns15.worldnic.com.
example.org. 86400 IN NS ns16.worldnic.com.
;; Received 95 bytes from in 82 ms
;; Warning: Message parser reports malformed message packet.
;; Truncated, retrying in TCP mode.
www.example.org. 7200 IN CNAME load-01-123.us-west-1.elb.amazonaws.com.
;; Received 107 bytes from in 164 ms
更新 2010-12-08
- Network Solutions 通过递归查询(如果不是 +trace,则为 dig 的默认设置)以 SERVFAIL(服务器故障)做出响应,但仍然给出正确答案。
- 设置 dig 的 +norecurse 可以正常工作,但并非总是如此。有时会返回 SERVFAIL -不好。可能原因如下
- Network Solutions 将根服务器纳入权威和附加部分,导致 UDP 截断并需要 TCP 才能完成。
- 来自 ns15 的非递归请求记录
- ns15 答案在 auth 和附加中包含根服务器,并将回复标记为截断
- 由于 UDP 被截断,在 TCP 中重试非递归请求
- 来自 ns15 的类似答案使用 TCP,只是“需要递归”设置不正确,并且还设置了“服务器故障”代码
我们已经与他们创建了一张票据,但我们会看看它是否有任何进展。以下是之前 tshark 详细信息中的 DNS 数据包:
第一个问题(通过 UDP):
Domain Name System (query)
Transaction ID: 0x27ef
Flags: 0x0000 (Standard query)
0... .... .... .... = Response: Message is a query
.000 0... .... .... = Opcode: Standard query (0)
.... ..0. .... .... = Truncated: Message is not truncated
.... ...0 .... .... = Recursion desired: Don't do query recursively
.... .... .0.. .... = Z: reserved (0)
.... .... ...0 .... = Non-authenticated data OK: Non-authenticated data is unacceptable
第一个答案(通过 UDP):
Domain Name System (response)
[Request In: 1]
[Time: 0.078623000 seconds]
Transaction ID: 0x27ef
Flags: 0x8600 (Standard query response, No error)
1... .... .... .... = Response: Message is a response
.000 0... .... .... = Opcode: Standard query (0)
.... .1.. .... .... = Authoritative: Server is an authority for domain
.... ..1. .... .... = Truncated: Message is truncated
.... ...0 .... .... = Recursion desired: Don't do query recursively
.... .... 0... .... = Recursion available: Server can't do recursive queries
.... .... .0.. .... = Z: reserved (0)
.... .... ..0. .... = Answer authenticated: Answer/authority portion was not authenticated by the server
.... .... .... 0000 = Reply code: No error (0)
第二个问题(通过 TCP):
Domain Name System (query)
Length: 56
Transaction ID: 0xbc37
Flags: 0x0000 (Standard query)
0... .... .... .... = Response: Message is a query
.000 0... .... .... = Opcode: Standard query (0)
.... ..0. .... .... = Truncated: Message is not truncated
.... ...0 .... .... = Recursion desired: Don't do query recursively
.... .... .0.. .... = Z: reserved (0)
.... .... ...0 .... = Non-authenticated data OK: Non-authenticated data is unacceptable
第二个答案(通过 TCP,注意“递归愿望”):
Domain Name System (response)
[Request In: 6]
[Time: 0.147357000 seconds]
Length: 107
Transaction ID: 0xbc37
Flags: 0x8102 (Standard query response, Server failure)
1... .... .... .... = Response: Message is a response
.000 0... .... .... = Opcode: Standard query (0)
.... .0.. .... .... = Authoritative: Server is not an authority for domain
.... ..0. .... .... = Truncated: Message is not truncated
.... ...1 .... .... = Recursion desired: Do query recursively
.... .... 0... .... = Recursion available: Server can't do recursive queries
.... .... .0.. .... = Z: reserved (0)
.... .... ..0. .... = Answer authenticated: Answer/authority portion was not authenticated by the server
.... .... .... 0010 = Reply code: Server failure (2)
此外,我还发现了这两个 Worldnic 服务器中不应该发生的其他错误:
设置位。UDP 回复总是在 512 字节处被截断,即使使用 EDNS0(RFC 2671) 指定。这意味着 DNSSEC 不适用于此名称服务器