Backup-SPFarm -Directory E:\Backups -BackupMethod full -Verbose
但是它错误地指出磁盘空间不足...备份大小约为 1.8Gb,我有 27.52GB 的可用空间,那么为什么它认为我需要 30Gb?
VERBOSE: Leaving BeginProcessing Method of Backup-SPFarm.
VERBOSE: Performing operation "Backup-SPFarm" on Target "SHAREPOINTSERV".
Backup-SPFarm : There is not enough disk space. Free additional space on your h
ard disk and then try again. Approximate amount of space needed: 30.12 GB. Amou
nt of space free on disk: 27.52 GB.
At E:\Backups\Script\BackupSharePointFarm.ps1:3 char:14
+ Backup-SPFarm <<<< -Directory E:\Backups -BackupMethod full -Verbose
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidData: (Microsoft.Share...mdletBackupFarm:
SPCmdletBackupFarm) [Backup-SPFarm], SPException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell.SPCmdletBackupFa
VERBOSE: Leaving ProcessRecord Method of Backup-SPFarm.
VERBOSE: Leaving EndProcessing Method of Backup-SPFarm.