Desktop background applied through GPO not fully loading on some PCs

Desktop background applied through GPO not fully loading on some PCs

这是一个由大约 100 台 PC 组成的网络。在大多数 PC 上,JPG 可以从网络共享中正确加载,但每天在几台看似随机的跨不同操作系统的机器上,壁纸只会加载前 300 个像素,然后停止。

我们考虑过在本地加载壁纸,但机器版本不匹配,有 7、Vista 和 XP。如果我们必须在本地执行此操作,那么将此壁纸复制到哪个位置比较合适?更好的是,我们是否可以在 GPO 中设置一些内容来应用此操作以使其完全加载?


听起来你那里的网络问题很严重。你不应该最终得到部分文件(将“壁纸”替换为“共享数据库文件”,想象一下那有多可怕)... 文件服务器是什么?

The fact that the policy is applying consistently means this isn't a group policy problem per se; copying the file locally (only when it changes) and then setting it as the background, perhaps using a logon script, might be a better solution.

"Better still, is there something we can set in the GPO that applies this to make it load fully?" - didn't you set the "always load the full wallpaper" option? :)

(I kid, I kid... this should simply not happen).
