我测试了多指针 X (MPX),并了解到多指针窗口管理器 (MPWM) 具有支持 MPX 的附加功能。问题是我找不到MPWM。我用谷歌搜索了一下,只有这和搜索结果中的多光标窗口管理器。
哪里可以下载 MPWM?
我不知道为什么你的谷歌搜索没有找到这个 MPWMgit
MPWM is the multi-pointer window manager, a MPX-aware window manager that
supports window operations from multiple devices.
MPWM is a proof-of-concept, not a real window manager. It's lacking most
features that you'd expect from a window manager so don't use it in
production. Or on your desktop. Or really anywhere.
It's also unmaintained, I just keep it here because the source can be of
value to someone.