确定 TCP 套接字是否位于内核空间

确定 TCP 套接字是否位于内核空间

我可以轻松找出套接字是否属于用户空间 - 我只需扫描 /proc/ 以查看哪个 PID 拥有 [套接字]。但是,如果 TCP 套接字在内核空间中打开,则 /proc/ 中没有条目(因为内核没有 PID)。我认为,仅仅因为在 /proc 中找不到套接字就假设它是由内核启动的,这种假设是不安全的。我想到了 /proc/net/tcp 末尾未记录的 7 列。也许其中一个可以提示套接字的来源?我无法解密内核的源代码来弄清楚这 7 个字段代表什么。




sudo netstat -wtpeav

sudo是为了确保您以 root 身份运行它,否则它不会显示所有内容。


-w, --raw
    Show raw sockets.

-t, --tcp
    Show TCP protocol sockets.

-p, --program
    Show the PID and name of the program to which each socket

-e, --extend
    Display additional information. Use this option twice for
    maximum detail.

-a, --all
    Show both listening and non-listening sockets. With the
    --interfaces option, show interfaces that are not up

--verbose , -v
   Tell the user what is going on by being verbose. Especially
   print some useful informa‐ tion about unconfigured address

此外,末尾的列/proc/net/tcp记录在内核源代码树中文档/网络/proc_net_tcp.txt. 结束字段为:

1000        0 54165785 4 cd1e6040 25 4 27 3 -1
 |          |    |     |    |     |  | |  | |--> slow start size threshold, 
 |          |    |     |    |     |  | |  |      or -1 if the threshold
 |          |    |     |    |     |  | |  |      is >= 0xFFFF
 |          |    |     |    |     |  | |  |----> sending congestion window
 |          |    |     |    |     |  | |-------> (ack.quick<<1)|ack.pingpong
 |          |    |     |    |     |  |---------> Predicted tick of soft clock
 |          |    |     |    |     |              (delayed ACK control data)
 |          |    |     |    |     |------------> retransmit timeout
 |          |    |     |    |------------------> location of socket in memory
 |          |    |     |-----------------------> socket reference count
 |          |    |-----------------------------> inode
 |          |----------------------------------> unanswered 0-window probes
 |---------------------------------------------> uid
